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This story takes place when Eda and Raine are teenagers. About 7 months after "Them's the Breaks, Kid"

No one's POV:
It was a warm evening. Raine and Eda were sitting in the grass in front of Raine's house.

Eda liked to spend most of her free time over there to avoid her mother's endless attempts at fixing her curse.

Raine didn't mind. They loved having the company. They had no siblings, so it got pretty lonely around their house.

Anyway, Eda and Raine were holding hands and watching the sun begin to set, when Eda decided to tell Raine something.

"Hey, Raine?" She asked, coming up with a brilliant way to confess her feelings to the teal-haired witch.

"Yeah?" They replied, turning to look at Eda and smiling.

"You're into girls right?" Eda responded, excited to finally tell Raine how she felt about them.

Raine was confused. Eda already knew they were lesbian, but they had a feeling she was up to something, so they answered.

"Yup. What's this about?" They asked, grinning a little bit.

"Well, there's this girl that has a crush on you."

Raine didn't know what to expect, but it certainly wasn't this.

Raine wasn't sure how to respond. They had a crush on Eda. They had no idea someone had a crush on them.

"Oh really? Who is it?" They replied.

At that moment Eda grabbed Raine's other hand and looked into their beautiful green eyes.


Raine blushed. They really weren't expecting that.

"Oh wow. Well I know someone who has a crush on you." They said, smiling.

Eda was ecstatic. She knew exactly what they meant.

"Well, I know a girl who wants to kiss you." She said back.

"And I  know someone who wants to kiss you."

They both leaned in for a kiss. It lasted for only a few seconds because neither of them had ever kissed someone before, and they were out of breath quickly.

When they both pulled away, Raine said, "Um, that girl you were telling me about...does she wanna be my girlfriend?"

"Yes!" Eda replied before Raine could even finish their sentence.

"Awesome!" Raine responded, kissing Eda on the cheek. That was officially the best day ever for both of them.

The End💙 AHHHHH BABY RAEDAAAAA!!! I had a lot of fun writing this one :)
See you guys in the next part! Byeeeeee

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