The Path to Hogwarts

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The Path to Hogwarts

          The cold seeped through Adelaide's winter coat. The sun had yet to rise fully, casting an ominous glow through the cobblestone streets of London. The horses beside her shook their heads as Professor Fig ensured their belongings were tightly strapped to the carriage. Today was the day she had been waiting for. Ever since she lost her father in the accident... the familiar lump forming in her throat encouraged her to push those feelings down again. To compartmentalize. Not wasn't the time. She would deal with the grief eventually.

          "Ah, it appears we are almost ready to depart." Professor Fig exclaimed brightly. He looked at Adelaide with an endearing smile and walked to her side. "It's a pity we didn't have a bit more time to spend spell-casting. I presume you've been practicing the spells we've worked on."

          Adelaide nodded, "I have, Professor." She couldn't put into words the amazement she felt using magic. And now that she had the opportunity to learn more spells, learn how to make potions....It left her with a blissful feeling of wonder.

          "Well, I'm quite sure I've never seen anyone take so quickly to a second hand wand. You'll be a force to be reckon with when you get your own." He pointed out, eyes bright with possibilities.

          Adelaide smiled, though not convinced. She was after all starting her Hogwarts journey years later than her peers. "Thank you Professor Fig. I appreciate your working with me before the semester begins—"

          A small scream was stuck in her through as another man appeared suddenly to the left of them. He was larger than Professor Fig with a pair of thick brown glasses. His hair was neatly combed to the side, but a few strands fell as he quickly looked from left to right. He turned around, the red bow he askew over the brown and beige suit he wore.

          "Oh! Eleazar!" He laughed, his voice booming in comparison to the quiet alleyway.

          "George!" Professor Fig exclaimed happily, taking a step towards his friend. "I'm glad my rather cryptic description of our location did not thwart your finding us."

          George's smile grew, shaking hands with the Professor. "I've Apparated to more vaguely defined destinations than this." He chuckled to himself. Though I confess I may have miscalculated slightly on my first try. Gave quite the fright to some threatre-goers in the West End."

          "It's been much too long. When I received your owl, I must say I—" Professor began when a serious expression crossed George Osric's face.

          Osric held up a hand, silencing him. "Best not speak here, Eleazar. Hm?"

          Professor Fig glanced around briefly and nodded, a new sense of urgency now in his voice. "Of course. Why don't we speak en route to Hogwarts? We have a start of term feast and a Sorting Ceremony to get to."

          The once serious expression left Osric's face and now was replaced with a joyous smile. However, Adelaide noticed it was a bit forced. "Wonderful Idea! As long as your young charge here doesn't mind me tagging along."

          "Not at all, Sir." Adelaide interjected quickly, with a kind smile. She pushed a wisp of auburn hair that had fallen out of her braid, and into her face. It was beginning to get windier as the sun rose.

          "After you." Professor Fig gestured to the brown and red carriage that held all of Adelaide's belongings. Only a few things were saved from the fire.

          As Osric stepped onto the ladder, he voice was teaming with delight. "Ages since I've been to the Castle. Would be good to see the old pile of rocks."

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