The Helm of Urtkot

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Adelaide crept slowly, keeping her distance, but enough to overhear their conversation.

"What are we going to tell the others?" The Scout inquired beside the Assassin.

The Assassin stopped in his tracks, causing the Scout to stop in front of him, and face him. "You won't have to tell them anything. Avada Kedavra."

His wand glowed bright green and then like a lightening strike, he struck the Scout with a fatal surge for dark magic. The Scout didn't have time to run, but instead fell to the ground with eyes wide open, and staring up at the sky. Bile rose up in Adelaide's stomach as she stared at the Assassin. He used a spell to kill someone. She had never really thought about it before, but were there spells so evil they could kill someone in one cast? If there were, what other spells were there that could fatally harm people. She made a mental note to ask Ominis when she was back.

As the Assassin kept walking, Adelaide looked for something-anything to stop the Assassin without alerting him on her presence. But then a thought struck her. Why didn't he Apparate? Unless-

"How far do you intend to follow me?" The Assassin inquired, turning around in her direction. "You'll need something more advanced than a simple disillusionment charm."

She scowled, standing up to face him head on. "Give me the helmet."

"And why would I do that?" He asked amused, brandishing his wand again.

"Because." She began, trying not to panic. "Accio."

The helmet was snatched from the Assassin's hand in surprise. Adelaide ran then, hiding behind a tree as she knew she wouldn't be able to outrun the full grown man. But it would give her time to come up with a plan. The Assassin was a few feet from her as he came to a stop, breathing heavily.

"I know you're close! Come out now and I'll made it a painless death." He snapped, his voice echoing through the forest. "You saw what I could do already. Now imagine the Cruciatus Curse."

Cruciatus? Adelaide was unfamiliar with the spell, but had an idea. She stepped out, rapidly casting depulso and the Assassin was slammed against another tree. She expected him to be knocked out unconscious, but he rose up easily.

"Children's play." He guffawed, and lifted up his wand, "Crucio."

She dodged it, jumping and rolling to the side. The spot where she had been was burned with the familiar green dark magic. Feeling the familiar burning of the ancient magic, she let the feeling travel to her outstretched wand where it broke through the protection charm the Assassin had cast. It hit him square in the chest and he was knocked back unconscious. She sighed in relief, backing away as she was starting to hear other voices. Perhaps those from the encampment near by?

She jogged back to Lodgok who was waiting patiently near some stones that were purposefully arranged to look similar to the Stonehenge.

Spotting Adelaide, Lodgok met her half way, and she revealed the helm from inside the satchel. It was mostly made of bronze with a circular ruby attaching the helmet to the part used to cover its face. It was lined in a beautiful golden metal all along its perimeter and on the top of the helmet in rows.

"The helmet shines even more brightly than I imagined!" Lodgok's tone was in awe. "The etchings, contour of the profile. Remarkable."

Adelaide nodded in agreement, "It looks stunning, Lodgok. I see why you wanted it back."

"You did the thieves a service by recovering it. I know many a goblin who would have killed for it."

She bit back a bemused grin. Wizards were proven to be willing to kill for it as well. "Ah, then I'm lad to be rid of it myself."

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