The Pensieve Wand

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Adelaide shut the door. She didn't understand what he was up to.

Ominis tilted his head in her direction. "What's wrong? You're breathing quickly-are you going to have another panic attack?" Worry marred his face.

"No-i'm anxious-but..." She struggled to find the right words, "Ominis. There's a celebration outside because they're under the belief that Amir Spavin just saved the Wizarding world. The story that's being circulated is that he caught Ranrock with a wand using magic and just had him and his loyalists executed. He's to be celebrated that the Yule Ball as a hero."

As she explained the situation, he paled and looked distraught. "Sebastian and Anne are bound to find out soon if Arn replies to them this morning. I'm sure it'll be the talk of breakfast."

"Why start a rebellion if he intended to end it?" Adelaide asked aloud.

Ominis pointed towards the door, "That right there is why he did it. Look, he's being hailed as a hero. His father won't be Minister forever. Who better to take his place one day than the Hero of the Wizarding world."

She looked at him impressed. "Wow."

"Evil family." He made a clicking noise with his tongue, "Devious minds think alike. The question we need to be asking is now what? If he killed Ranrock, he likely has the last journal."

Apprehension filled her. "Which means he knows where the final repository is. He can't just walk into Hogwarts right?"

"No there's old magic there to stop him. But if he was invited in by the Headmaster..." Ominis began.

Realization dawned upon her. "The Yule Ball. He intends to go to the final repository then."

Ominis and Adelaide wore identical expressions, but they had no time to think of any solutions as lights and sparks erupted in the back of the store. Adelaide crept forward to see Ollivander nodding to himself with his back to them. He turned around holding a wand box looking at them with a proud smile.

"It is done." He informed them, holding out the box. He opened the front of it to reveal a wand full of grandeur. It was a pale ash color with a gold spiral coating. The handle of the wand appeared to be sapphire that would occasionally light with ancient magic. It was magnificent.

"I should warn you that I've never seen a wand like this before." Mr. Ollivander cautioned, gesturing to the wand box that was now in her hands, "My suspicion-as Professor Fig implied in his letter-is that it serves a unique purpose. I doubt you shall find much use for it otherwise."

Adelaide nodded, "I understand. Thank you, Sir." She looked over at Ominis, "Are you ready?"

He nodded, opening the door for her, "I was thinking that-"

Ominis was cut off as Adelaide gasped, seeing a familiar dark wizard near her. He was coming closer, reaching his hand out. She slid the wand out subtly as fast as possible and shoved it in Ominis' robe, "Go. I'll be fine."

His expression was confused, until he brandished his wand and realized what was happening. "Adelaide-"

Victor Rookwood touched her shoulder, and she was Apparated away with him.

It appeared that they were back at Rookwood's Castle. The sun was hiding similar to how she wanted to hide away from him.

She held out her wand towards Rookwood, jumping away from him as if his hand burned her. "Get away from me."

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