Author's Note + New Story

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Hello Readers!

(σ≧▽≦)σ Once again thank you so much for reading the Final Keeper!

The Epilogue will be posted tomorrow, but I have released another story. Please read below for the summary:


7th Year Ominis Gaunt Love Story 

Theresa Cauldwell loved and hated a lot of things, but there was nothing more she hated than the Pureblood enthusiasts who constantly reminded her that she had no place at Hogwarts. On the run from the Muggle world, Theresa only has the School as a safe haven...But when Muggle-born students start dying and ending up in the Forbidden Forest, Theresa makes an unlikely ally in the Heir of Slytherin: Ominis Gaunt. Follow their adventures together as the two students realize how inauspicious the stars truly are.

Chapter 1 has already been published and similarly to this story, I will do my best to update multiple times a day. Writing has truly been a pleasure and nothing brings a quicker smile on my face than reading & engaging with all your comments.

I am so thankful for Wattpad and you all! I hope to experience the next story with you all. Because if you thought Ominis was sassy in this story.....prepare yourselves for The Cruelty of Fate

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Farewell for now

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