The Quarrel Between Brothers

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Breakfast was rather...tense. Ominis didn't say much besides 'pass the butter' and 'shut up.' Sebastian didn't even eat his beloved cinnamon pastries, he had a bowl of oats with fruits and seemed to be mulling something over.

"I've got to get to class." Ominis muttered before leaving first. This confused her because they all had Herbology together today.

Adelaide bit into a piece of toast covered in strawberry jam and raised an eyebrow towards the brown haired Slytherin. "What'd you do?"

"Me? Why do you assume it's my fault?" Sebastian looked at her reproachfully. Adelaide didn't say anything, just gave him a look. He rolled his eyes, "Finish eating and we'll talk about it on the way to Herbology."

She shrugged and finished eating quickly, wanting to know what the two boys were arguing about. They walked out of the Grand Hall and Sebastian finally opened up.

"He's being ridiculous. Apparently, Salazar Slytherin had a secret scriptorium here in Hogwarts." He explained, loosening the white and green striped tie around his neck. He was wearing a matching pale green blazer and trousers-unexpectedly dressed up today. Part of her wondered why. "Ominis swears it was used for the Dark Arts, so he wants nothing to do with it." He huffed, "I reminded him that Anne needs a cure. This 'scriptorium' could hold the answers we need."

Adelaide saw both sides to the argument. "Ominis is right, you know. Meddling in the Dark Arts is dangerous."

"There's more to Dark Magic than people realize." Sebastian countered in a frustrated tone, "The Gaunts know this-better than most." He immediately looked regretful. "Perhaps I've spoken out of turn. Ominis' family history is personal to him."

Her curiosity was piqued. "Ominis becomes...distressed...whenever the subject of dark magic and the Unforgivable Curses are talked about. I'd like to know more about it, if you wouldn't mind telling me. I won't repeat it."

He sighed, looking at her sternly as he spoke in a more hushed tone. "Very well. But do keep this between us." Adelaide nodded, and he persisted. "Ominis learned dark magic from his parents. Are you familiar with the Cruciatus Curse?"

She gave him a bemused look. "Crucio, correct? I heard it being cast towards me last night." Intentionally ignoring his venomous look, she explained, "The Cruciatus Curse-also known as the Torture Curse inflicts excruciating pain on the victim. Harlow tried to cast it, but he missed when I flew away on a Hippogriff."

This raised more questions in Sebastians eyes, but he seemed to think better of it. "Apparently, his parents and older siblings had no qualms about casting it on Muggles for sport. Ominis described the sound of the victims' cries as horrific. So, the first time he was asked to cast it himself as a child, he couldn't bring himself to do it." Sebastian's jaw clenched as he gritted out, "As punishment, his family cast it on him. The anguish was so bad, that when asked to cast it again, he relented." Now, he sighed, gesturing to himself. "I have repeatedly assured Ominis he did what he had to, but he still hasn't forgiven himself."

The perfect blend of anger and resentment clenched her heart painfully. "How horrible. Poor Ominis. He was only a child-he shouldn't blame himself."

Sebastian nodded in agreement, "After that incident, the rift between Ominis and his family only grew. That is, until I came along. Every moment he isn't had Hogwarts, he's with us in Feldcroft. Ominis trusts me. And, more often than not, he winds up listening to me." They walked in silence for a little bit before nearing the greenhouse. "I'm going to remind him of that when I see him next and see if he'll see reason."

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