The Hogs Head Inn: Part One

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Adelaide felt more refreshed than she had in a long time. Sebastian had let her sleep for hours. When she had woken and sat up, she felt a bit of remorse because his head was leaning back against the pillar and it did not look comfortable. But she wasn't sure how long he had been asleep. Eyeing the redness around his eyes, it hadn't been long.

They parted ways, promising to meet for dinner because he was going to sleep for the rest of his Saturday. When Adelaide had returned to her dormitory room, there was a letter waiting for her. At first, she felt a tinge of fear that it would be from Amir, but she quickly realized it was from Natty.

The letter detailed that she may have found some information that could incriminate Rookwood. And to meet her near the Hogs Head Inn. Adelaide tiled her head curious. Didn't Professor Onai specifically tell her to stay away from Hogsmeade? She would have to have a talk with Natty. Though she had an idea why she was so insistent on capturing the dark wizards-she had her mother to think about. It would devastate the Professor to lose her husband and child in similar fashion.

Adelaide wrote back, agreeing to meet Natty shortly. In another letter, she sent it to Ominis who would sure to be awake. And she put a charm on it so that the words would whisper to Ominis and only him.


Natty wrote to me about having some incriminating information regarding Rookwood. She asked that I meet her near the Hogs Head Inn in Hogsmeade. I'll see you both for Dinner.


By the time Adelaide had showered and got ready to leave, there was a response awaiting her.

Future Sallow,

Please be safe. If you aren't back by dinner, I'll send out the calvary.


She choked out a laugh, putting the letter in her bedside drawer. She would be sure to keep that one if only to keep reading the words over and over. Future Sallow. It was way too early to even be thinking about that. However, she couldn't deny that she loved the sound of Mrs. Sallow one day. And to have him, Ominis, and Anne close with her for the rest of her life.

That reminded her. She quickly got out her quill and parchment and wrote to Anne about what had happened recently. Adelaide added that Sebastian and Ominis were doing well and that Sebastian was making him read Muggle books to pass the time. She also wrote about how he misses her, but understood that it was her decision when to talk to him, and that she was a listening ear.

The last thing she asked for might have seemed a bit peculiar, but she remembered asking Ominis why Sebastian loved those Cinnamon Pastries. He had told her about cinnamon cookies that his mother used to make them. So...She asked for the recipe. He was always doting on her and worried about her-she wanted to thank him. In a way that would be special for him.

She used the Floo system to arrive quickly nearby the Hogs Head. She had spent more time writing the letter to Anne than she had anticipated and now it was almost halfway through lunch. As she headed to the Hogs Head, she decided to walk by the river's edge-enjoying a change of scenery. Plus, there weren't as many people since the shops were located on the cobblestone streets.

Adelaide smiled at the fresh air, but that smile was quickly wiped off as she spotted something on a crate near the docks located next to the Hogs Head. She picked up the wand, quickly realizing who's it was.

"Natty's wand? She wouldn't just leave something like this." Adelaide muttered, looking around. Her hand tightened around the wand and she placed it inside her robe. "She wanted me to find this. Revelio."

Golden footsteps appeared as she willed her magic to show her where Natty had been just like it showed her where Archie was. It led to the Hogs Head Inn through a back entrance. She walked through the doorway, following the footsteps, and made it to the bar area of the Inn.

"Nosy little students get what's coming to them." She heard a gruff voice talking to another dark wizard. The other wizard chuckled mercilessly.

Adelaide kept her head down, fuming as she followed the footsteps outside of the Inn. They led around the side to a wooden cellar entrance. Of course it was too a creepy downstairs entrance to a cellar. It couldn't be somewhere with a lot of sunlight and no sinister atmosphere that was probably an Ashwinder hideout.

The footprints led down the cellar, but it was completely empty save for a few large barrels of fire whiskey. However, the footsteps went in to the largest barrel in front of her. There was a small barrel on either side of it with a large brass knocker. It also appeared as if the barrels could slide out. Hmm, she thought.

"Accio." She pulled the barrels forward on either side, smirking proudly as the hidden door appeared on the middle barrel. She casted the Disillusionment charm, creeping forward as she looked around at her surroundings.

There was one long hallway full of red drapery, bottles of alcohol, and random pelts laying around. Adelaide walked forward until she was on a balcony area overlooking a central point where numerous dark wizards were sitting lazily about.

One of them with short black hair and a pudgy face was talking to a skinnier, more lanky wizard across from him. "It's not going to work."

"It might." His comrade argued.

He guffawed, "Using that girl as bait? No ones coming for her." His voice turned sinister. "We ought to just kill her."

"Harlow says her friend'll be reckless enough." A new female voice argued. Adelaide walked down the stairs to try and hear them better. "He wants them alive."

Reckless? Well that was her middle name. "Bombardo."

The Ashwinders were thrown backwards with the fire whiskey catching on fire from the explosion. Two of the three were out of commission, but the lankier man was still able to fight. "Only a Hogwarts student would be arrogant enough to come in here alone."

Adelaide grimaced, "You shouldn't have taken another student." And she used her ancient magic to turn the guys into nothing more than dust and shadows. She looked at her hand, realizing that it didn't tire her out as much to use her magic. She was becoming stronger.

Something did bother her. For an Ashwinder hide out, there was only three guarding the area? She followed another hallway, away from where all the action had just occurred. She opened a doorway to see a large round table with various documents on it, and a jail cell where her friend was standing.

"You found me!" I knew you would realize I had left my wand for you." She called out excitedly.

Adelaide grinned, "Of course. It wasn't hard to find you." She unlocked the jail cell with Alohomora only to pause. It wasn't hard to find her. It wasn't hard to free her. This was too easy. "Natty-something about this seems off, don't you think? It was too easy almost."

"Was it?" It came from Natty in front of her. At least, she thought it was Natty until the polyjuice wore off.

It was Amir Spavin.


Dun Dun Dunnnn.

(。•́︿•̀。) Please leave a comment on what you thinks going to happen! Thank you for reading.

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