Birds of a Feather

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Adelaide was able to track him down, but it wasn't without difficulty. He barely left Professor Weasley's side and the only reason she caught him was by narrowing down what time the last few days he brought her tea.

"Deek?" She walked through the kitchen towards the Elf that was seeping chamomile leaves in a glass tea pot.

He peered over at her timidly, his bushy eye brows raising. "Yes Miss? Can Deek be of use?"

"I heard your old Master was a poacher." She saw the concern in his eyes and quickly explained, "You know of Sebastian Sallow, yes?"

He nodded quickly, "Deek knows the young wizard. And his sister."

"Do you know of her curse?" When he nodded, she persisted, "I heard from Poppy Sweeting that Phoenix Tears have immense healing properties. That they could reverse curses. Have you any information of where I could find one?"

Deek looked at the tea for a few moments, deliberating. "Miss won't hurt the Phoenix for its tears?"

"Absolutely not." Adelaide shook her head briskly, "I would ask it for help. Nothing more."

"Deek is not sure why, but Deek feels that he can trust Miss. You'll need to head to the Phoenix Mountain Cave southeast of here. It's quite a journey." He wrote down the directions for her quickly and then Apparated away with the tea for Professor Weasley.

Adelaide bit her lip, excitement coursing through her. This was an opportunity. And she knew exactly who to bring.

She stood outside the Feldcroft home at night, doing the same thing Sebastian had with the rock. Though she felt a bit bad, Anne woke up almost immediately. She came over to the window with a look of surprise on her face.

"Adelaide? I thought it was too dangerous."

She grimaced, "It is. But I need you to come with me. Bring some potions with you. It's urgent."

Anne didn't hesitate, getting out of her sleeping clothes, and into another set of day clothes quickly. Once she had snuck out of the house, she rounded the corner to meet up with Adelaide who was anxiously looking around. She felt as if she looked anywhere for too long, then Red Eyes would appear in the dark.

"What's going on?" She asked, curiously.

Adelaide swallowed, hoping Anne would take the news well. "I know that you believe there is no cure." Immediately, she saw the younger Sallow twin take on a guarded look. "But have you ever heard about Phoenixes?"

"Is this about their tears?" Anne inquired, rolling her eyes. "I've been thinking the same thing-got a book on magical creatures recently. But it's no use. They're practically extinct."

Relief sagged through her. She wasn't opposed to it. "I have just the place."

A few hours later with Anne being a surprisingly great rider, they arrived at the Phoenix Mountain Cave. They had to take a break for a moment as pain racked through Anne's body, and she had to cover her mouth to quiet the screams. Adelaide rubbed her back feeling useless. She could only hope this is what it would take to cure her. For good.

The Cave wasn't exactly a welcoming place. There were signs posted all outside cautioning 'EXTREME DANGER' and 'BEWARE.'

As they walked in, Anne frowned immediately. "A blockade. Poachers are already here."

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