Another Owed Explanation

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"Adelaide? Adelaide?" She frowned, rolling onto her side and bringing up the blanket to cover her face. She heard a soft laugh before the blanket was pulled away. "It's time to wake up.

"Who says?" She grumbled, rubbing her eyes.

Sebastian smiled, eyes shining with amusement. "Your ride back, that's who. If we leave now, there won't be anyone up for breakfast yet."

"Where's Anne?" She looked behind him to see Anne was snoring softly in another bed.

"She promised to write to you. But she doesn't sleep well, so let's not wake her." He advised her, solemnly. "Shall we? Do you think you'll be able to ride on a broomstick?"

Adelaide shook her head, sitting up. "It doesn't hurt as much, but I'm still very tired, Sebastian. I'll probably fall off the broom."

"Then you'll just have to hold on tight." He pointed out, helping her up. All of her muscles ached, but they weren't in pain, luckily.

Adelaide was able to splash water on her face to wake her up and silently thanked Anne for the spare toothbrush she had left out next to the sink with a little note. Use this. And please come back soon.

They silently left the house like two people sneaking out for a late night rendezvous. Sebastian had discarded the Sky Scythe as if he had gotten off of it on a hurry next to the house and thrown it to the side haphazardly.

"How did you get this? I returned the key to Professor Fig." She looked at him confused.

The corner of his lip quirked up in a bemused smile. "I owe Reyes a favor, now."

"I'm sorry." She apologized, swinging her leg over the broom.

He angled his face to show her a serious look, his lips now unsmiling. "You can make it up to me by never doing this again, Adelaide. Ominis and I just about had a heart attack thinking you were dead. And I didn't even know you had left to see the next trial through. I even said you seemed feverish this morning. Did you really-"

He was cut off as she pressed her lips against his. She felt the tip of his tongue slide deliciously across her lower lip, wanting to deepen the kiss. She smiled and pulled back, her smile only growing at the sight of his disappointment.

"There are other ways to tell me to be quiet." He mimicked her, remembering their first kiss underneath the Astronomy tower staircase.

Adelaide wrapped her arms around Sebastian, "This one was more fun."

He barked a laugh and turned his attention to the matter at hand. Slowly they lifted off the ground, but this time she wasn't afraid to watch. The hamlet and surrounding cottages faded into nothing more than tiny dots. People on the path to and from Feldcroft appeared as tiny ants walking with a destination in mind.

Adelaide wasn't sorry for going to Rookwood Castle, but she was sorry for not telling Sebastian or Ominis first. But in the moment, she was only thinking about the ticking time bomb that was Ranrock. Her side panged at the thought of their conversation.

Bring me the child.

She was scared. Her fists clenched and she almost jumped when Sebastian put a hand on hers.

"It's alright now." He said over the wind, rubbing her knuckles with the pad of his thumb.

It was still far off from sunrise, the pale moonlight glowed across his face. She rested her chin against the back of his shoulder.

"Ranrock and Rookwood are still trying to get to me." She said quietly, "And they're looking for 'stores of ancient magic.'"

"Stores of ancient magic?" He repeated confused.

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