Never-Ending Agony

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Anne Sallow was trying to calm down Ominis. He wasn't hysterical, but his hands were shaking as he spoke. Her brother was listening intently to everything that was being said.

"I-I was opening the door for her and then I heard her gasp, and she stuffed this into my robe." He held up a beautiful wand that was longer than most with a decorated blue gem as a handle. "I realized last minute that Rookwood was in the crowd-and I think he Apparated away with her."

Sebastian appeared calm, but Anne knew her brother. The way his jaw was clenched, the way his lip curled as he spoke, and the bloodthirsty expression that was forming-he was ready to do whatever it took to get Adelaide back. "If it's Rookwood, then he likely went to his Castle. Where else would he go?"

"Numerous places." Anne pointed out, "Any Ashwinder hide out."

"It was crowded, Rookwood probably thought on his feet. The Castle is the only lead we have right now. And I'm not staying here while Adelaide could be-" His lips pressed together as anger lit aflame inside him. "Ominis, bring the wand to Professor Fig. Anne and I are going to go to the Castle."

"But-" Ominis began, but he stopped himself. "I'm sorry, Sebastian."

Sebastian shook his head, "I don't blame you. Not for a moment" He turned to his sister, "Let's go."

They arrived at a Floo station near the castle. Anne made sure she had enough potions in her robe as they rattled against each other haphazardly. Sebastian had his wand out and they were walking up the hill when a murderous scream startled them.


Sebastian reacted faster, he broke out into a sprint. Anne struggled to keep up with him as he seemed to barely touch the ground as they ran through the decrepit ruins towards the center of the castle. Anne gasped, her hands flying to her mouth as she stared at the scene playing out before them.

Adelaide was laying on her back, staring up at the sky. Amir was standing over and he reared his leg back before kicking her in the side. A choking noise erupted from her as she held her side. The rain was coming down in buckets now, still unrelenting. Just like Amir.

"Depulso." Amir was caught off guard, blasted back from Adelaide as Sebastian crouched over her, his wand pointed in Amir's direction. His voice was deadly and roared over the pouring rain. "Get the fuck away from her." Thunder clashed above their heads.

Anne joined him, looking down at Adelaide. She was struggling to stay conscious, her pupils dilated. Blood was dribbling down the side of her mouth, her lip bloody and bleeding. Nail marks were cut into her palms, the rain washing away the red liquid. Her body spasmed with pain occasionally as if she was still under a curse. Worry flared inside her.

She blinked repeatedly through the rain as if not believing they were there. "S-Sebastian?"

Anne pulled out a vial of liquid, urging the feverish girl to swallow. Sebastian didn't take his eyes off of Amir. Adelaide's head was now in her lap as the potion slowly worked to heal her body. It would take time with as much damage both physical and emotional she was put through.

"Ah, Sebastian. It's been quite a while. Haven't seen you since you were a wee boy." Amir Spavin smiled as if greeting an old friend.

Her brother wasn't having it. "I'm going to kill you."

"Straightforward." Amir grinned, "Unfortunately, I have-"

"Avada Kedavra." Sebastian shouted, the curse soaring towards Amir. He rolled, dodging it to the left as the younger wizard casted again, "Bombarda. Diffindo. Glacius."

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