The Three Broomsticks

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Adelaide felt an arm wrap around her waist as Sebastian shouted, "Protego."

The club bounced off of the shield of magic that had spared their lives. Others from the town square began to cast different spells. Some of them she hadn't even learned yet.





The troll was pulled away from the two students, shaking its head as it looked to see who had pulled it back. It was a woman with chocolate brown colored hair pulled into a neat bun. She had a top hat on with a long slim navy colored coat. There was an 'M' engraving on her coat and the sleeves had white silk frayed on the ends.

"Draw it away from the buildings! Away from the village!" The woman commanded, casting basic spells to coax it towards following her.

Adelaide scowled watching the troll. Not that she was well acquainted with trolls, but was it normal for them to wear the same metallic armor that she had seen Ranrock wearing? What was it called again? Goblin metal? As the Troll left, she realized that Sebastian's arm was still wrapped around her protectively. She meant to point it out when a second rumbling began to shook the village.

Sebastian uttered a curse word under his breath as a second troll broke through one of the buildings. The club this troll was carrying was metal and in that instant, no Protego spell would be able to defend them from an attack. It locked eyes with Adelaide almost instantly and she knew that there would be no saving. They would have to fight.

"We need to split up and attack it separately." Adelaide pushed Sebastian away, "You know more damage spells that I do. I'll distract it."

Before Sebastian could argue, she ran away from him, casting a few basic spells to irritate the troll. "Over here, smelly!"

In an instant, she felt a massive wall of regret hit her. Of course, great idea. Let's make fun of the troll that is trying to kill us and very well may. It ran towards her with its club raised as Sebastian set numerous spells one after another. Flurries of Confringo, Bombardo, and Glacius did nothing to stop on the Troll, only make it tired every so often. Adelaide was running out of stamina as she kept dodging its attacks, hurdling insults towards it. A roar erupted from the troll as Sebastian sent a particularly harsh wave of magic, cutting into the troll, but not enough to destroy it.

"Is there no Troll Destroytum spell?" Adelaide shouted, huffing and holding a hand to her side. This was the worst time for a cramp.

Sebastian looked at her derisively, "I think I missed that class. At least I didn't miss the last four years."

If there wasn't a troll trying to kill him, she might have. She went to cast another basic spell, but she saw the white glow begin to form around her wand. It was the same glow from the Portkey holder, the Vault, and what appeared above the Pensieve. It was ancient magic. She tilted her wand down towards her hand, using her emotions to fuel the power growing inside of her. She didn't need to always be the one protected. She had someone she wanted to protect. With an irritated noise leaving her mouth, she used all the power that was conjured and hurdled it towards in the Troll in a grand sweeping gesture. Almost instantaneously the troll exploded in a cloud of black smoke and a terrible sulfuric smell.

Sebastian ran up to her first, looking from the small cut on her cheek to the way she was holding her side. "I have a Wiggenweld, hold on."

She shook her head, "I'm fine, Sebastian. You use it." He had received a cut on his leg that had since dried, but she could tell he was in pain. It appeared he wanted to argue, but the woman who led the first troll out of the village was rushing up to her with a Wiggenweld potion available. They both drank one, feeling immensely better. Both cuts healed, the tear in Sebastian's trousers were the only indication of what had happened.

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