The Restricted Section: Part Two

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Sebastian jaw clenched as he turned to face her, "Blasted Peeves. I've got to stop him or at least get to the Librarian with a good excuse for all of this."

He went to run, but Adelaide grabbed the sleeve of his robe, "Wait-I don't want you getting into trouble for me."

"I have a way with the faculty when it comes to disciplinary matters." Sebastian informed her with a grimace, "Besides, I like having friends who are in my debt. Now go. Good luck in your search, Adelaide." He casted the Disillusionment charm before muttering to himself, "Where did that damned poltergeist got to?"

Adelaide shook her head, making her way through the rest of the tunnels and staircases. Some doorways that appeared she new only she could see because of the ancient magic. But eventually she found her way into a grey room with high ceilings. The columns that supported the room were spirals of gold and stone. It was beautiful, but what caught her eye was the book in front of her that was floating on top of a podium. She held out her hand only for the book to open and a whitish blue liquid poured into the...It wasn't a podium, it was a Pensieve.

There were three Wizards and one Witch that stood onto of a cliff, overlooking a medieval village. But the village was grey-there was no grass growing and what appeared to be houses were falling apart. In the distance there was a family standing next to a well. The young boy was crippled, holding onto a wooden makeshift cain. As the little girl beside him walked next to the well, she picked up the bucket with a hopeful look on her face. However, her face dropped as the bucket laid empty.

The Wizards and Witch looked at each other concerned. It appeared they had to do something. And so, the Wizard in front with a long beard raised his wand to the air, shooting off a beam of magic. Immediately, dark clouds began to form in the sky. Rain poured down and the land began to flourish. Grass growing and flours springing up from he ground. The little family on the hill was amazed, but it was the little girl that met the gaze of the wizard in front. A nod was exchanged between them before the memory changed.

An older version of the little girl walked through a set of doors to where everyone either sat or stood in the room.

"You wanted to see me, Headmistress Fitzgerald? Professor Rackham?" Her voice called out.

The Wizard with the long beard spoke up first, Professor Rackham. "Miss Isidora Morganach. Welcome."

Isidora nodded, walking towards them and greeted the rest of the Professors, "Professor Rookwood. Professor Bakar."

Headmistress Fitzgerald smiled, "We understand that you are adjusting well to Life at Hogwarts."

She nodded, smiling brightly. "I am."

The Headmistress continued, "I am glad-especially in light of your unusual situation, starting as a fifth-year."

"As it happens, I was almost admitted to Hogwarts as a fifth-year. I've never heard of another like us." Professor Rackham admitted.

Professor Rookwood lifted his chin, "Miss Morganach. When we spoke yesterday after class, you asked about the beautiful swirls you saw years ago, when we visited your hamlet."

"I recognized you all immediately. I cannot thank you enough for what you did." She gushed, hands waving by her side in unkempt excitement.

"We were glad to help."

"And yes, I did see swirls of magic-everywhere-that day. My father insists it was my imagination running wild, but it was certainly real to me."

"It was not your imagination." Professor Rackham reflected.

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