A Surprising Customer

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Adelaide was holding in her laughter. Ominis was in too good of a mood to lecture them about getting nicely kicked out of Gladrags. He stopped by the post to have the package delivered to Adelaide's dormitory room so she could see Anne. She knew Sebastian felt anxious about her being far from Hogwarts, but she couldn't spend her life hiding away. Even now, she knew he was a bit tense by the way his eyes kept flickering around, but this was what she needed. Normalcy. Shopping with her lover and best friend.

"Go with Ominis to pick a spot." Adelaide gestured to the back area near the fireplace in the Three Broomsticks, "I'll get the drinks."

Sebastian frowned, "Are you sure?"

"Come on, she's a big girl." Ominis pulled his friend by his vest, heading towards the back of the tavern.

Adelaide spotted Sirona polishing a few steel mugs and greeted her with a smile. "Sirona. Good Evening!"

Sirona Ryan smiled back easily, "I haven't seen you lot for a while. Staying out of trouble I hope."

"Trying." Adelaide grimaced, "But besides an order of three hot butterbeers, I have a question."

With a swish of her wand, three steaming mugs of butterbeer appeared before her, and Adelaide put a few Galleons on the wooden counter. "What's your question?"

"Have you seen a wizard with red eyes? Or one wearing a bird mask?" She asked quietly.

Sirona frowned, "Red eyes? No. Bird mask? I may have seen him here once or twice in the last week. Never said much, figured he was passing through. Why?"

"I saw him watching me—but I could be overreacting." Adelaide admitted in a hushed voice, "With a lot of enemies, I wonder if I'm too paranoid."

Sirona sighed, her frown deepening. "Be careful. If I hear anything, I'll write to you."

Adelaide thanked her and brought the hot drinks over to her friends. They enjoyed the tasty beverage, chatting easily about date ideas and the perfect time to do it. Adelaide had almost been distracted enough not to notice the tall man that had just walked in. He wore no mask, his features on display. He had a narrow, slim face and appeared a few years older in his early twenties. His hair was a bit long, slicked back, and was sable, midnight black. His eyes were dark, almost black. But as her eyes met his, she could have sworn she saw a flash of red. Everything inside Adelaide, screamed at her to leave.

Ominis stiffened so slight—it was barely visible had she not already been looking in his direction—turning his attention on her. "I just realized I forgot to feed Whinny." Adelaide wasn't quite sure who or what that was, "We should head back now."

"Ah, again? You always forget." Sebastian's motions were fluid as he stood up with an easy smile. "Let's go, darling."

Adelaide only smiled, not trusting her voice. Her hand was tight in Sebastian's right hand and Ominis was on the other side of her as they walked past the man. Ominis had his wand out, guiding him where to go, but she also knew that his wand was almost sentient. And at the first sign of danger, it would recognize it before Ominis did.

Once they were out of the Three Broomsticks, Adelaide shared a look with Sirona before the door closed. It was only a few seconds, but Sirona understood her message. That's him. Ominis had purchased some floo powder earlier after they had left Gladrags and now they used it hastily.

"Slytherin Common Room." They all commanded together.

It was a welcome feeling—the motion sickness, the wind rushing past her ears, the momentary discomfort. Adelaide felt like she could finally breathe once she was back in the comfort of Hogwarts. Where she was given the illusion of safety, but only in the Undercroft did she feel truly safe. And that's where they headed.

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