The Baking Stages

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The house elves allotted them to set up shop on a small table nearest the ovens—away from where they were all smashing tomatoes for pasta night.

"What should we start with first?" Ominis asked, holding his wand out and understanding what ingredients were in front of him.

Adelaide thought about it for a moment, "With the Common Room party being tomorrow, we should surprise them with the desserts tonight. Celebrate ourselves before dealing with everyone. Let's do the banana bars right now because it'll take the longest to bake and then the cake afterwards."

"Doesn't matter either way love. Magic ovens, remember?"

Together they started making the banana pudding bars. It was simple with flour, sugar, and a couple other ingredients to enhance the flavor. Ominis was working on the stove browning butter and pouring in the brown sugar. He needed assistance on how brown the butter needed to be, but once Adelaide told him it should start to smell like almonds he did flawlessly well. In fact, he had a small smile on his face the whole time.

She didn't treat him as incapable because he was blind, but rather helped him to succeed and bake on his own. It appeared that he'd never done this before and was truly enjoying it.

Once the banana mixture was in a square pan in the oven, it was only moments before the oven sped it up to be cooked perfectly through with no burnt edges. They let it cool on the table with a mitten underneath it as they started to create the pudding mixture.

"I hope they both learn to love new flavors." Ominis reflected, "because I'm not reducing myself to cinnamon or banana flavors every time we have a celebration."

Adelaide smirked, "They allow celebrations in nunneries?"

"Don't be daft. She wouldn't be permitted to join a Nunnery now."

The spoon fell into bowl with a loud thud.

"Ominis Gaunt. Are you saying...?" He grinned and she choked on a laugh, "Sebastian would have your head. You skipped the whole first date part and went straight to dessert."

"I'm surprised you both haven't already. Or were you waiting to go back to the dressing room at Gladrags?" Adelaide grabbed a handful of flour and threw it at the other Slytherin. He flinched as the powder hit his face and he coughed. "Merlin's beard, what was that?"

"Chasity dust." She joked mockingly.

Ominis shook his head, smiling. "I noticed the ring. Did you both marry in secret?"

"Not yet. Let's see how the Yule Ball goes and then we might elope." They laughed and she added, "Do you really think the Veritaserum will work?"

He didn't answer for a moment. "I have no doubts of the serum working. As for our plan, there's a lot of variables. At the very least the Professors will have to join the fight against him if he makes it to the repository."

"You mean when its too late." She admonished, frowning as she wiped the pudding covered spoon off. They cut the square loaf into bars and then added a dollop of banana pudding on top. "These are finished."

Feenky found a large tin to put them in that was decorated in the Slytherin House moniker. Together they began to start adding the ingredients for the cake.

"Cinnamon cake or cinnamon icing." Adelaide proposed.

He wrinkled his nose, "Neither. How about lemon with fresh blueberries?"

"Or strawberry shortcake." She said wistfully.

They both smiled, but together said, "Cinnamon icing."

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