It's All Gobbledegook

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Adelaide read the letter again frustrated.

My Friend,

My plan with the helmet failed. But I have another idea. I think we may be able to find what we need at a goblin mine south of Hogwarts. Meet me there. And bring someone who speaks Gobbledegook.

You friend, Lodgok

She faintly remembered someone telling her she spoke Gobbledegook. It had been a week since the fight happened between Ominis and Sebastian. They had come to a civil compromise and things were seemingly back to normal. Luckily, Sebastian hadn't been tinkering with the relic-he actually gave it to Ominis for safe keeping. Ominis had hid it somewhere in Hogwarts that only the Gaunts knew about and it was being heavily guarded by a friend. Whatever that meant.

They all sat in the Grand Hall for dinner. Sebastian kept placing peas on Ominis' spoon and he was starting to get frustrated. "Why is there peas in everything today?" Apparently he loathed them.

Adelaide shook her head at her lover's antics. "Ominis, Sebastian's putting peas on your spoon."

"With his hands?" He gawked. "You dirty-"

"Foul language is prohibited." She recognized that voice. Amit Thakkar was walking by, carrying a load of books.

It clicked in her mind. "Amit! I've been thinking about you."

Sebastian leered at her. "Oh really?"

Amit smiled uneasily, "Aren't you-"

"You speak Gobbledegook, right?" She lowered her voice, aware of the nosy and prying eyes around her.

He blinked, "I did! I mean I do. Is this to do with the goblin I saw you with in Hogsmeade?"

He saw her? "It is. His name is Lodgok and we could use your help with something." She smiled brightly at him. "He's waiting for me near a goblin mine. Would you be willing to help?"

"Of course! How exciting. I mean, well, might this be dangerous?"

Adelaide shook her head, "I think he simply wants to show me something that involves Gobbledegook. If it helps, he's a friend of Sirona's."

"Good to hear," He nodded, smiling. "If Sirona trusts him, then I feel much better. When did you want to go?"

She thought about it. "Do you have classes Friday?" He shook his head, and she continued, "Then I'll see you Friday after breakfast."

"It's a date." He joked and then immediately paled as a spoonful of peas hit him in the face.

Adelaide swung around and narrowed her eyes at Sebastian next to her. But he held up his hands defensively and pointed at Ominis that was holding up a spoon. She turned back to Amit with a sheepish smile. "See you then."

"Did I get him?" Ominis inquired after a moment.

Sebastian laughed and they finished their meal. She was happy to see he wasn't moping. Anne hadn't been replying to his letters this week and at first he was extremely bothered by it. Truth be told, he likely still was, but he understood that she needed time.

Adelaide sent an owl to Lodgok detailing the time and date when she would meet him. As she was writing her letter, she thought about writing to Amir Spavin. She knew who he was now, right? And she wanted answers.

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