The Hogs Head Inn: Part Two

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"Where's Natty?" She spat out.

Amir looked at her. He had transfigured his clothes to what was becoming his usual attire of black dragon leather trousers and a longed sleeved armored shirt. His chin was tilted up proudly, undeniably smug that she had fallen for the trap.

He walked out of the cell towards her, "Perhaps, she's looking for you. Quite rude of you to stand her up. I had one of the Ashwinders delay her by stealing her wand. She'll be happy to get it back. Accio."

The wand that had been in her pocket was now in Amir's hand. "Are you going to tell me yet what's your role in all of this? Why did you bring me here?" She watched him carefully as he circled her.

He smirked. "Depulso."

Adelaide was thrown into the cell, her body slamming against the back wall. The wind was knocked out of her and she scrambled up, doing her best to ignore the painful throbbing in her side, "You won't be able to keep me in here."

"I know." He smiled innocently, "That was just for fun."

She gritted her teeth, severely pissed off with his omniscient attitude. "You're an arse."

"Quite, actually." He stated proudly as if she had just complimented him. "Have you any ideas on why I wanted to start a rebellion?"

Begrudgingly, Adelaide shook her head. "You sent a dementor to my house-"

"Already knew that." He interrupted with a bored look.

She kept going as if he hadn't spoken, "Your father tracked it down. He saw me kill my father. You saved my situation by sending me to Hogwarts rather than Azkaban-"

"Ah yes, dreadful place. Always moving. Didn't want to go through the hassle."

"-You knew about my ancient magic abilities. You fueled the wizard hate and maybe told Ranrock about where to find Bragbor's journals," Amir nodded and she continued, "Which means that you set everything in motion. But why? The repository at Rookwood Castle was excavated by Ranrock who took most of it for himself."

He shrugged, "Better to share now and take the rest."

"Is that your goal in all of this? Take the last of the repositories for yourself?"

Amir grinned, "My, the last one is the largest of all. Plus my dear," He grabbed her chin harshly, "An heir will be able to do my bidding and possess those magic wielding abilities."

"An heir?" She smacked his hand away, "What in Merlin's name are you talking about?"

He winked, "You'll produce me an heir if I don't get to the last repository. And depending on your attitude about this all, I may or may not decide to kill you. Depends how I feel that day, really."


She could hear a pin drop.

And then she thought about what he said. An heir? Did he really think she would-with him?Adelaide took a step back, "You're bloody mad if you think I would ever be in league with you. How did you find out about my abilities before I did?"

"You are close with the older Sallow boy, aren't you? What was his name, Sebastian?" The blood drained from her face and her hands formed fists. Amir's eyes brightened. "Oh my. You love him, don't you?" She stayed silent. "I've noticed he likes to read a lot just like Professor Sallow-his father."

Her brow furrowed, "You knew Professor Sallow?"

"Both of them, yes. I too was a student." He winked again, "Ravenclaw. But that's it for now, I've given you more pieces of the puzzle. Do try to use your head, won't you? It's awfully boring just telling you my plans. But this should make things interesting. Stupefy."

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