Defense Against the Dark Arts

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Prewett casted Protego, blocking Sebastian's spell and attacked with his own cast of Stupefy. Sebastian blocked easily, sending out two steaks of magic towards his opponent. Prewett blocked them, grunting slightly before sending a few attacks back at Sebastian.

The brunette rolled his eyes, "Protego." And now looked at him with mildly incredulous. "Is that all you've got?" He looked up towards the dragon skeleton and smirked. "Bombarda."

This cast was different and more explosive than the basic ones they had been using. Adelaide watched as the dragon's skull began to wobble before it detached from the skeletal body. Prewett dropped to the ground, just as a word rang out in the classroom.


As the skull rose higher, another Gryffindor called out excitedly, "Professor Hecate!"

At the top of a staircase was the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. She wore a delicate blue gown with a matching cerulean scarf, but nothing else about this woman said delicate. Her graying hair was cut short to her chin, but she looked at them all with a stern look, and kept the skull raised in the air. "Perhaps you'd be good enough to blast each other to pieces on your own time. I get new students every year, but I only have one Hebridean Black skull." She descended down the stairs as she continued, "It was a token from the Great Poacher Raid of 1878. No doubt you've heard of it. Now you may be asking yourself how an old woman like me single-handedly took out the largest poacher ring in Eastern Wales and lived to boast about it. Knowledge."

Adelaide watched, fascinated as she reconnected the dragon's skull effortlessly.

Professor Hecat continued, walking over to the circle of students that had been watching Sebastian and Prewett duel. "To the wise, age matters very little. Today we will review a spell that has saved me from death at the hands of Dark Wizards more times than I care to remember. Levioso."

Prewett looked mortified, "Levioso? A levitation charm?" He scoffed in disbelief.

Professor Hecat turned around to look at him and with a flourish of her hand, "Levioso." In a stream of purple magic, Prewett was lifted off the ground with his arms raised in the air unsteadily. Adelaide noticed Sebastian crossed his arms beside her and had a smug expression on his face. "A surprised opponent is a weak opponent. Care to defend yourself, Master Prewett? No?"

Prewett shook his head, looking relieved as Professor Hecat slowly put him back on the ground. She persisted, "One thing I've learned as an Unspeakable is the value of simplicity-especially in the heat of battle. Now, let's practice what we've just learned-starting with something small."

Ominis beside her pulled out his wand and walked over to a table where feathers laid. She was beginning to suspect that his eyes were his wand. "Adelaide, why won't you give it a try first?"

She nodded, walking over and brandished her second-hand wand. Something about the connection didn't feel right, but for such an easy spell cast she knew she'd be able to do it. Focusing on her wand movement, She spoke clearly. "Levioso."

The green feature stirred and then gently lifted itself in the air following the direction of her wand.

"Now, let's try something a little larger. Good wand movement, Miss Clark." Professor Hecat pulled a dummy covered in armor and holding a shield towards them. The tip of her wand glowed as she pushed the chairs and desks to the sides of the room, opening a grander space for them to work. Ominis had been leaning against one and Sebastian quickly grabbed his arm to steady him as a whisper of thanks was exchanged. The brown haired boy's smile was small, but genuine. Adelaide quickly looked away, not liking how cheeks felt warm after seeing it.

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