Salazar Slytherin's Scriptorium: Part One

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The Corridor where Ominis said he'd meet them was a sea of stone from the walls, to the floor, to the ceiling.

Adelaide peered over at the familiar freckled face she'd come to love that was deep in thought. He was leaning against the wall, rubbing the side of his face absently as he stared at the ground, thinking. She decided to break the silence first.

"How did you convince him to come with us to the Scriptorium?"

He met her eyes, pushing off the wall. "I told him none of us will be able to avoid Dark Magic forever. So the more we know about Salazar Slytherin and the Dark Arts, the better prepared we'll be." He lips turned down in a grimace. "Unfortunately, only a Gaunt knows the location of the scriptorium's entrance and Ominis won't tell me."

"Perhaps he didn't want you to go alone?" She suggested, raising an eyebrow. "Or do you think there's more to it."

"There's more to it." Sebastian said confidently.

She hmm'd, "Let me talk to him when he gets down here."

"You?" He frowned, narrowing his gaze. "I suppose it's worth a try, but don't get your hopes up. Ominis is annoyingly stubborn-and he wouldn't even tell his oldest friend."

Adelaide flashed him a secret smile and walked away towards the sound of approaching footsteps. She rounded the corner to see Ominis pacing nervously. He heard her first, and squinted in her direction.

"Ominis." She called out and he visibly relaxed. "Getting cold feet? Sebastian said you wouldn't reveal the location."

He let a harsh breath leave him. "I only know about it because of my favorite aunt-Aunt Noctua. She thought like I do. Didn't agree with the family on the use of Dark Magic." He gestured towards her, "In fact, she'd hoped to convince my family that there was more to Salazar Slytherin than worshipping pure-blood status. She'd heard of this 'scriptorium' and thought its contents might shed some light on him. She even found the secret entrance-in this very corridor. She wrote regularly to my father about her efforts to gain access, and then she simply vanished. No one else ever tried to enter."

So that's why, she thought. He's afraid of something happening to us too. "I'm sorry about your Aunt, Ominis. Don't you want to find out what happened to her?"

"Aunt Noctua went down this path with good intentions and lost her lief. I don't want the same to happen again." His voice grave, "I was too hasty with agreeing earlier and didn't properly think it out."

"You don't know that history will repeat itself. Besides, you said your aunt thought like you." She pointed out, "This could honor her memory and get you answered about Slytherin and Sebastian answers for Anne. Your Aunt pursued this alone. We could do it together." After a moment she added, "But the decision is yours. And I will respect what ever it is that you decide."

At the last part, his face softened. "Hmm. I see what you've done here. And, I confess, you've convinced me." His tone now turned sour, "I didn't think it possible." He nodded and gestured towards the Corridor from which she came, "Very well, I shall tell you what I know. Fetch Sebastian. I'll wait here."

She thought Sebastian would be pleased to hear the news, but he looked surprised and a bit annoyed to hear that she had gotten through to Ominis and he hadn't.

"These braziers grant access to the scriptorium." Ominis explained, as they returned to him.

Sebastian's lip curled in annoyance. "Now, you'll share? You wouldn't tell me when I practically begged."

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