The Rescue Attempt

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Adelaide weighed her options.

1.) Tell Ominis and Sebastian that Anne was possibly in trouble. Outcome: The boys lose their bearing and charge over to Feldcroft in a tizzy.

2.) Tell Sebastian not Ominis. Outcome: He would likely use the killing curse on his Uncle

3.) Tell Ominis not Sebastian. Outcome: Unpredictable. Could go either way.

4.) Go by herself. Outcome: Make the boys incredibly angry and possibly be in way over her head like she was in the Ashwinder hideout.

What Adelaide knew for sure was that Anne was in trouble. She didn't feel as if she had the luxury of time to get her quill and ink out, and write a letter to the boys. So she did what she normally did: something incredibly impulsive.

And that's why she was sneaking into the boys dorm, using a spell to track down which room Ominis and Sebastian stayed in. The only thing she knew for sure was that Ominis had his own room due to being a Gaunt, but Sebastian moved in with him because-well, why not.

She opened the door that read Gaunt/Sallow, and poked her head in to see Ominis sitting at a desk with his writing material out. He turned his head towards the door, frowning and placing down his quill. His hand hovered over his wand.

"Who's there?"

"Your favorite red head." Adelaide quipped, closing the door behind her. She stopped using the Disillusionment charm, walking over with the letter in hand. "I think Anne's in trouble."

He frown turned into a deeper scowl. "What happened? Did you get a letter from Anne?"

"Yes-I told her everything that had been going on and her letter was incredibly short. She capitalized random words in a sentence. But those upper case letters spelled out 'Help.'"

Ominis looked at another letter on his desk, "She never told me anything of that sort. Are you sure it's from her? This could be another trap."

A separate door opened with steam coming out as a new voice entered the room, "Ominis do you wanna sneak into-"

Sebastian stopped dead in the doorway with a bemused expression. He only had a cloth towel wrapped around his hips that was hanging dangerously low and giving Adelaide the perfect view of his sculpted body.

Ominis paid him no attention. "What do you think?"

"Maybe she felt that you two would overreact?" She countered, "I hesitated coming here as well."

She looked towards Sebastian who was grabbing a pair of sleeping pants, and he met her eyes with a challenge in his. "Do you intend to watch?"

Adelaide quickly looked back at Ominis as she heard the sound of a towel dropping. "What are you both discussing? And why are you in the boys dormitory?"

"Anne may be in danger." Ominis said simply.

Sebastian came over quickly, his hair still dripping wet. "Did you receive a letter? Where is it?"

Adelaide hid the letter behind her back, not wanting him to see that she asked for the cookie recipe. "She wrote out 'HELP' cryptically."

"Let me see the letter."

She shook her head swiftly, "No. I asked her about personal stuff. You don't need to see it."

Her lover casted her a perplexed look with a hint of suspicion, but he let it go. "Then we go to Feldcroft tonight."

"Solomon is probably there, it's late at night. It'd be best to go while he's on an errand." Adelaide pointed out, slipping the letter back into her robe. "If it was an emergency, wouldn't you think she'd sent you or Sebastian an owl?"

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