The Vault at Gringotts

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Dozens of questions were running through Adelaide's mind. She no longer felt any pain from the wreck thanks to a Wiggenweld potion from Professor Fig, but her mind hadn't settled. Were dragon attacks normal? Regardless of the likelihood of being attacked by a dragon, they had just been surrounded by ruins. And moments later, they're in a new place. All because she saw a glowing room in the wall.

The room itself was enormous with cream marbling floors and black swirled patterns. Large granite pillars surrounded a desk and overhead was a beautiful draping chandelier. As Adelaide followed the Professor towards the desk, she heard...snoring?

Professor Fig cleared his throat a few times, startling the Goblin who had been asleep. He peered over the book at them, blinking a few times almost in wonder. "It can't be." He quickly turned around without waiting for a response, "Just a moment."

After a few moments, he walked to the front of the podium to face Professor Fig and Adelaide. In his green vest and black pants, he bowed swinging his arm out in a greeting. "Welcome to Gringott's Wizarding Bank. Vault number twelve, I presume?"

Professor Fig didn't hesitate in the slightest. "Precisely."

The Goblin Banker held out his hand. "The Key."


Adelaide whispered to him in a hushed voice, "Your wife's Portkey.?"

"Oh!" Realization flooded the Professor. "Right. Of course."

Handing over the key, the Banker spoke again, "This way then."

As the Goblin passed them, Adelaide went to follow, but Professor Fig stopped her. He looked at her briefly and in a wary, hushed voice said, "Stay close."

They came to what looked like some sort of rail way system. The Goblin whistled, the sound echoing along the tunnel system they had created. A blinding light came into view before a cart stopped just in front of them.

"After you." The Goblin Banker gestured to them to start making their way into the cart. As both Wizards stepped into the cart, the Goblin spoke again, "Keep your hands inside the cart if you don't want to lose them." At this, he chuckled darkly sending a shiver down Adelaide's spine. She had just seen multiple people die in the past hour.

Professor Fig and the Goblin Banker spoke back and forth throughout the duration of the ride. She learned that having a private vault was only accessible to someone with great wealth or power. Two things that she in fact did not possess. They even went under a waterfall that washed away all enchantments to her surprise. Though it mattered little at this point. Her auburn red hair was in such as disarray that she pulled it to the side in a messy sort of bun. She could probably guess that her cheeks were flushed from the ride and her olive green eyes sullen with all of today's events. It was supposed to be joyous time and now the few possessions she had from her past life were all gone. Only the thin gold bracelet with a small hanging moon charm was all she had left from her parents.

Vault number 12 resided in the deepest part of Gringotts having been commissioned shortly after the Bank was founded over four centuries ago. As the cart came to a stop, there was another Goblin stationed in front and wearing a security like blue uniform.

"Vault number?" The Goblin demanded.

The Banker shouted, "Vault number 12. It is a momentous day!"

Unamused, the Gringott's guard gestured for them to continue, "On your way."

Adelaide frowned, slightly annoyed that there was more to go. But also that something about that Guard was familiar. She leaned over to the Professor and whispered, "Professor. The armband on that guard was glowing."

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