The End is Near

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Adelaide brandished her wand and sent a powerful beam of blue ancient magic towards the falling archway. It was slowly falling and she gripped her other hand around the wand-desperate to save her friends. She yelled, panting as she mustered the strength from within her.

Another shout joined hers, and Professor Fig casted a beam of purple magic helping her put the archway back together. Sebastian and her shared a relieved look before she turned to the Professor, but he was staring up at the ancient magic still surrounding them.

"You need to contain it." He reflected, "I can only help so much. This is up to you, Adelaide. You have grown into an incredible, talented Witch these last few months. I know you can do this."

Adelaide nodded, not only feeling his faith in her, but she felt the others as well. Ominis, Anne, Sebastian...they were all physically behind her, but in this moment as she stared up at the unconfined magic wreaking havoc...they were with her.

With all of her remaining strength, Adelaide casted another powerful ray of ancient magic. A blue orb began to form high into the sky before the corrupted magic swallowed it. Like an infection, it began to turn the her emission of magic red and was slowly spreading down towards her wand. Adelaide gritted her teeth, struggling. This is what she had been preparing for.

"You are stronger than you know." Professor Fig's voice was calm. Cold water compared to the terror stirring inside of her.

She turned her head away from the corrupted magic swallowing her. She saw the faces of her friends. Her Professor. Her Lover. Anne had her hands clenched in front of her and sent her a confident smile. The same smile she gave her when saving her life with one of her brilliant potions. Ominis had his eyes closed, hand gripping the ledge, but she could read his lips. You can do this.

Sebastian looked at her with his arms crossed, his stare unwavering. She felt like he was looking into her soul. Seeing her looked at him, the corner of his lip quirked up and he raised an eyebrow. His shout echoed in the cavern, "How am I supposed to marry you one day if you lose tonight?"

She looked at him incredulously, but Ominis smacking his arm reminded her that this wasn't over yet. And she grinned, looking back at the corrupted magic. She gave a resolute yell, watching her magic lit up the ray of light and final repository was restored.

The other students climbed down from the ledge, wary of the overhanging archway that almost just killed them all. Everyone gave her a cocky grin, except for Sebastian. He could tell by her expression that she wasn't satisfied. This wasn't over.

"It needs to be destroyed." She looked over at the Professor. "As the Final Keeper, how many people have already died for this power? Protecting it or trying to acquire it-too many."

Professor Fig nodded, "The decision is yours, Adelaide. How are you going to destroy it?"


Adelaide felt herself get thrown back as the sound of the blast made her ear drums ring. She rose up shakily to see Harlow.

"Rookwood was my friend you see. It would be a real shame to open up that repository again. What power." He mused watching as the students and Professor brandished their wands.

Sebastian casted him a bloodthirsty smile, his tone sardonic. "It would be a real shame to watch you suffer before I kill you for that."

"I know I'm not going to make it out of this alive. After all, five versus one isn't very fair after all. But I can do this." He lunged for Adelaide, but Ominis shoved her out of the way.

The Final Keeper | Sebastian Sallow Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now