The Yule Ball: Part Two

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"Let her go." Amir's voice spoke up behind Ominis. Anne scowled, looking at her brother. He was looking down at his hand that Adelaide had slapped away, as if he was frozen in disbelief.

Ominis didn't turn around, "I don't answer to you. Begone."

Anne looked to the Professors table, catching the eye of Professor Sharp. She waved him over with an urgent look on her face. He didn't hesitate to stand up.

She looked to see Adelaide trying to walk past Ominis to join Amir. "Ominis, get out of the way. Let me see him."

Sebastian pulled her back to his chest, his arms wrapping around her waist. His jaw was clenched, ignoring the pain of her nails digging into his hands in an effort to escape his grasp. "We thought about his cup and not ours." His voice was barely above a whisper, but Ominis gave him the barest inclination of a nod.

"Mr. Spavin." Professor Sharp called out, "What appears to be the problem?"

Anne handed the Professor, Adelaide's chalice. "Sir, it's Amortentia. We're sure of it."

Professor Sharp's eyes narrowed, looking at the chalice. There was barely any of the pearl liquid left, but enough for the Professor to get a whiff of whatever it was that appealed to him most. Hopefully not troll bogeys.

"Let me go." Adelaide tried to budge, but Sebastian's arms were like iron bars keeping her in. His eyes were burning with hatred for the man behind Ominis.

"This is Amortentia. Spavin, an explanation?"

Amir laughed, amused at the situation. "Professor, I didn't give her the potion. Do you intend to blame the house elves? What proof do you have?"

"Did you not get the attention of everyone after they sipped from their cups?" The Professor challenged, raising an eye brow.

The other Wizard shrugged, "Coincidence. I ask again, what proof do you have?"

The Professor didn't budge. "Take Miss Clark to my office. I'll see to it that she has an antidote made for her. Mr. Spavin I think you should get back to your banquet."

No one moved-besides Adelaide trying to escape Sebastian's embrace. Ignoring the eyes gawking around them, Sebastian promptly threw Adelaide over his shoulder. Anne sighed, only letting a small smile slip through when Ominis grabbed her hand, and urged her forward.

Anne took one look over her shoulder and almost tripped at the icy look Amir was throwing her. She swallowed nervously, willing herself to look forward. Ominis' head tilted in her direction with concern.

"I don't believe he expected the Professor to budge in." Anne whispered quietly.

Ominis nodded in agreement, "Hubris has a way of foiling plans."

Adelaide was pounding on Sebastian's back, angrily. Her voice ruthless as she spouted words Anne would never think she'd ever hear from the auburn witch. "Will you set me down? I don't want to leave the Grand Hall. I want to see Amir. I love-"

"Finish that sentence and I'm casting the silencing spell." Sebastian growled out at her.

Anne took a deep breath, "It's the potion, Sebby. She doesn't mean it."

"I don't care. I don't want to hear it." His voice turning into a snarl out from ahead of her.

Ominis scowled as they continued to make their way towards the classroom. His wand was out and he nudged her ahead of him, "Get in front of me. We're not alone."

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