A Trip to Feldcroft: Part Two

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Adelaide was running late, having woken up after breakfast was already over. She caught the two Slytherin boys as they were walking into the Common Room.

"Hmm racing feet, out of breath." Ominis tilted his head amused, "Sounds like someone slept through breakfast."

Sebastian held out a pastry he took from breakfast. Of course, it was his favorite kind. But she liked that the cinnamon reminded her of him. "Ominis was against going to the estate until I told him we'd see my sister." His nose scrunched a bit in disgust.

"Is that so?" Adelaide mused, loving the opportunity to tease Ominis. "Is that why it looks like he properly combed and slicked his hair back today. And you shaved? Is that...cologne I smell? And that uniform...you pressed it last night didn't you?"

Ominis was surprisingly not flustered. Instead, he leaned down towards her. "Keep it up love and I'll bring up the fact that you and Sebastian almost kissed last night."

Her cheeks went bright red and by the devilish smile playing on Sebastian's face as he bit into one of the pastries told her all she needed to know. He had mentioned it to Ominis about the almost kiss. But she wasn't going to go down without a fight. "Do it and he'll never have the opportunity again." She said the last part loud enough for the brown haired boy to hear, causing him to choke on a bite, and looked at her indignantly.

Ominis laughed, "What time are we leaving?"

"We should use floo powder this time. Taking more than one Broomstick will be rather suspicious." Sebastian pondered, "It'll be six sickles for all of us." He turned to Adelaide, "You may feel sick the first time."

She shrugged, "That's quite alright. If it allows us to travel to Feldcroft faster, I'm sure Anne will be pleasantly surprised for two visits this weekend.

Sebastian smiled wryly, "Uncle Solomon will love it, too."

Ominis shook his head, "Enough, I have left over floo powder from the last time. Let's get a move on. Time is Galleons."

They made their way to a location within the Castle where a stone carving of a woman stood was flat against the wall. There was a green flame lit beside the woman's portrait with the name IGNATIA WILDSMITH written below.

"Hold out your hand." Ominis ordered and she obeyed, bringing his hand above hers. He let go slightly, allowing a light powder like substance to fall into her hand. Next, he dropped some in Sebastian's hand. "Adelaide, next you'll want to call out the place you intend to visit and throw the powder."

Adelaide didn't think about it much. They were going to Feldcroft and would be investigating Rookwood Castle after seeing Anne. "Rookwood Castle." She demanded, throwing the powder towards the blaze.

She heard a shout before the roaring in her ears. Green flames cool to the touch swallowed her before she opened her eyes. Only she wished she hadn't.

Adelaide stood in the middle of an encampment within Rookwood Castle. There were small cauldrons over fire and tables where half eaten plates laid. A multitude of weapons were cast aside; hatches, swords, arrows, bows-But the most worrisome of all was the six goblins staring straight at her in disbelief.

"You dare show up here alone, child?" One growled out, pointing his sword into their direction.

Adelaide reached for her wand when something sharp was placed against her neck. "I wouldn't do that if I were you wand carrier."

She flinched as she felt the blade nick the side of her neck. Anger coursed through her, hot and sent adrenaline spiking across her nerve endings. She didn't need to use her wand to defeat them. She had her magic.

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