The Restricted Section: Part One

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Adelaide was exhausted, but the prospect of infiltrating the Restricted Section of the Library made her bubbling with excitement. Sebastian was leaning against a balcony railing, facing towards her with his arms resting on the railing

He looked at her with a lazy half smile. "It's about time."

"It's midnight exactly. You're just early." She quipped, but as they heard footsteps below, they both dropped into a crouch.

Sebastian pointed to a doorway where two prefects were standing by. It was an elegant red and brown wood with golden symbols painted in the center and above the frame. He spoke quietly, pointing through the balcony bars, "See there? That's the door we need to reach." Irritation flashed across his face as the prefects looked around. "And those annoying prefects would love nothing more than to rat on us to Scribner, so don't let them see us-understood?"

"I can be sneaky." Adelaide mused, "But how are we going to sneak by them if they're standing right there."

He grinned, a slight dimple forming in his left cheek. "There's a spell you should know-the Disillusionment Charm. Good for getting places you're not supposed to be. Cast it, and you'll appear as little more than a trick of the light. Just as long as you keep your distance and stay quiet."

"So I'll be able to turn invisible?" She wondered why they hadn't done that when they were eavesdropping on Ranrock and Rookwood, but it was the heat of the moment.

Sebastian shrugged, "Something like that. It's not as foolproof as a cloak, but those are expensive. And spells-spells are free. Give it a try before we head down there. You'll twirl your wand around yourself and it'll feel like an egg that's been cracked on your head and sliding down your body."

"Gross." Adelaide scrunched her nose in disgust. Sebastian's lip quirked up in amusement and demonstrated the Disillusionment Charm before waiting for her. Adelaide could still sense his presence because he was so close, but she could barely see him. "How am I going to be able to follow you, if I can barely see you."

She casted the spell over herself and Sebastian was right, it did feel like a sensation was washing over her. Adelaide jumped in surprise at the feeling of someone's hand holding hers. His hand was larger as it seemed to engulf hers slightly and she could feel the small calluses from gripping his wand. She was thankful that he couldn't see her because she could feel the heat rushing to her face.

"This way, we won't get separated." His voice sounded off, deeper and a bit husky, but Adelaide figured it was from nerves.

Together they snuck past the prefects into the Library with ease, but the worse was yet to come. Near the Librarian's desk, Adelaide could see the Librarian hunched over her desk, stamping different books.

Sebastian swore lowly under his breath. "The key to the Restricted Section is in the drawer of that desk."

"Can't we use Alohamora?"

"It's an enchanted gate, spells aren't going to work on it." Sebastian whispered back, "Now, here's what we're going to do. I'll create a distraction to draw her away. You focus on getting the key and I'll meet you outside the Restricted Section."

Adelaide frowned at the idea, but nodded. Then remembered he couldn't see her. "Alright, you distract. I get the key."

"I said I'd get you in. And I always keep my word. Trust me." Sebastian squeezed her hand lightly before letting it go.

His footsteps were completely silent, indicating that this wasn't the first time he's snuck around somewhere he wasn't supposed to be, but she knew that. What she didn't know was why. She hadn't known Sebastian for a week yet, but if he wasn't eating or sleeping-he normally had a book in his hand or was talking to some of the Ravenclaw students about something.


The sudden noise startled her, causing her falling backwards. She heard her bracelet snap beneath her palm and the floor, but she didn't have a moment to spare-looking towards the Librarian like a deer in the headlights.

"What in the world?" The Librarian snapped up, moving quicker than she expected. She adjusted the glasses on her nose as she glanced around suspiciously. Standing in front of her desk light, the glow from her deep green suit casted a shadow towards Adelaide and she hastily moved out of the way. Unfortunately, that movement and her body distorting the old lady's shadow caused the Librarian to start walking straight towards her, "Who's there?"

The click, click, click of her short heels hit the floor with a menacing promise that whoever was sneaking around the Library would be in a lot of trouble. Adelaide scurried around a bookcase, peering over as the Librarian looked around for any sign of another student. As she lifted her wand up, lighting up the area, there was an obvious sparkle from the ground.

Dread pooled in Adelaide's stomach and made her physically nauseous. It was the moon charm her father had given her. The Librarian picked it up, looking around, and sliding it into her pocket with a subtle hmph. She started walking back towards her desk, still glancing around with obvious suspicion that she wasn't there alone. How was she supposed to get the key now?

With a quiet sigh, she started walking towards the Restricted Section of the Library. There was a black iron gate that had a big key hole in the door about the side of her palm. Whatever key she was supposed to grab was obviously very large. As she crept closer, she tripped over someone's foot, and tumbled to the ground. Her fall was saved by none other than the cloaked boy she had entered the Library with.

His 'oof' was barely audible as she landed on top of him, "How are you so clumsy?"

"As if I was supposed to know you were sitting down waiting for me." Adelaide hissed back under her breath.

With subtle wand movement, Sebastian and Adelaide were no longer under the Disillusionment Charm and he looked up at her, lips curling up in a smirk. "Are you going to stay on top of me all night or shall we continue our adventure?"

Adelaide rolled her eyes, pushing off of him and tried desperately to ignore how good it felt to put her hands against his chest, feeling the taught muscles beneath his robe, and uniform. "How are we supposed to get the key, now?"

Sebastian reached into his robe, eyes full of mirth as he pulled out the key. "Since you decided to switch roles, I did the honor of grabbing the key."

She looked at him impressed as he inserted the key into the gate. Slowly, they swung the door open only enough for them to slide through. It was an absolute mess as they navigated the Restricted section and headed down the stairs. Old book shelves lined with different books covered in dust. You have have thought they'd have a spell preserving them. She noticed a suit of armor laid on the ground ahead of them as they approached an archway.

Suddenly, a large figure swooped in. His outfit was ostentatious with a bright pink overcoat, purple vest, and a bright blue top-hat. His hair was in disarray and he looked at Sebastian gleefully.

"Who have we here?" His voice was brimming with excitement in a sing song sort of voice, "Sebastian Sallow and his new little friend, out exploring were they shouldn't be." He started to wag his finger at them, "Naughty, Naughty, you'll get caughty."

He flew over their heads as Sebastian growled out, "Peeves, don't you-"

"I'm going to tell! I'm going to tell! I'm going to tell!" The ghost sang over and over, flying in the direction that they came.

Sebastian jaw clenched as he turned to face her, "Blasted Peeves. I've got to stop him or at least get to the Librarian with a good excuse for all of this."

He went to run, but Adelaide grabbed the sleeve of his robe, "Wait-I don't want you getting into trouble for me."

"I have a way with the faculty when it comes to disciplinary matters." Sebastian informed her with a grimace, "Besides, I like having friends who are in my debt. Now go. Good luck in your search, Adelaide." He casted the Disillusionment charm before muttering to himself, "Where did that damned poltergeist got to?"


Part Two will be uploaded shortly today! Please leave a comment.

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