Dark Arts and Plastic Hearts

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Sebastian was sitting in the Slytherin Common Room, propped up next to the window with a few of the lake. Ominis was nearby egging on some first years about mermaids in the lake.

She walked over, frowning as she noticed there was a blood bag to his right; hidden from view that was giving him another transfusion. The snake venom from a few days ago had taken its toll, but Sebastian was almost back to full health. This would be his last transfusion and then there would be no lingering side effects.

He had also taken the cover of another book about potions and masked Salazar Slytherin's spell book so he could read it in peace. At the sight of her, he put the book on his lap and smiled. However, it didn't reach his eyes as she'd noticed it never did since the Scriptorium. Her uneasiness grew, but she returned his smile.

"Do you both want to hang out elsewhere?" She looked between the both of them.

Sebastian shrugged, "I'm quite alright-"

"He'll join you." Ominis interrupted, sending him a dark look.

Sebastian stood up, finished with the transfusion and transfigured it away. They walked to the Undercroft in a heavy silence. Adelaide felt the anxiety ball up inside her; threatening to make her lose her dinner. Sebastian hadn't even been sitting with them the last couple days either. He had been sitting next to a pretty hispanic Slytherin that was known for being an expert duelist at Cross Wands.

Once in the center of the Undercroft, they stood facing each other.

She crossed her arms, "What is it?"

"Say again?"

Adelaide's eyes flashed with anger and impatience. "Enough, Sebastian. You've been dodging me and you can barely stand the sight of me these days."

"No-"He began, but she interrupted him.

"Don't lie to me." She sighed heavily. "If you want nothing to do with me, then at the very least I deserve an explanation before I'm gone from your life."

Sebastian's expression matched hers. "'Want nothing to do with you'" he echoed hollowly, "Adelaide-I casted an Unforgivable curse on you." His fists clenched by his side, "I cursed you. And for it to have worked, I needed to mean it and enjoy it."

"Sebastian. I intentionally said things that I know would hurt you." She took a step forward, but he held his hand up telling her to stop. She didn't listen. "Do you think I blame you? Or I'm mad at you?"

He recoiled, "How could you not?"

"You were half delirious." She spoke slow with her voice deadly, "Sebastian, I don't blame you. I'm not mad at you." Adelaide paused, "I take that one back. You're making me exceedingly angry right now." His lip twitched, amused. "There were two options in that Scriptorium. Either I casted the curse on you or you casted the curse on me. You were in no condition to feel that pain."

Sebastian went to argue, but his voice died in his throat.

"And I was not going to learn the curse from you." She persisted, "So the only option where we all made it out alive was for you to cast it on me." Adelaide watched him carefully for any sign of understanding, "And to do that, I know I needed to make you hate me. And I said inexcusable things about Anne."

Sebastian's lips pressed together, "I know you didn't mean them."

"Of course not." She stated matter-of-factly, "But I still said them. I would hate me too."

The boy in front of her closed the distance, pulling her against his chest. She wrapped her arms around him as if it was the most natural thing in the world to do. "Adelaide, I could never never hate you." He choked out a laugh against her head, "Adelaide I am so in love with you-you could walk all over my heart and I'd still be there-to be whatever you needed. A dueling parter-a traveling companion-a lover." His breath hitched.

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