The Planning Stages

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It was a few days before the twins' birthday and a week from when the Yule Ball would take place. Adelaide didn't have plans for either of those. She was sitting with Ominis in the library since the other two were in flying class together. No doubt one of them would be walking back with a detention because they got too competitive.

"Love, I consider you my sister, but I will use the Banishing Charm if you keep tapping your pencil against the desk." He noted with a trace of exasperation in his tone.

She smiled apologetically, "I don't know what to plan for their birthday nor Spavin."

"For the first part, what used to happen is the Slytherin Common Room became a party room. Anne's likely already working with the other Slytherin girls for decorations. It'll be like a welcome back party for her as well. What we can do is try making their cake together. I never had the opportunity to go buy a potion station that day in Hogsmeade and it's rather dangerous for any of us to be outside Hogwarts right now. It'll have to be home made presents this year."

Adelaide frowned, wishing that wasn't the case. She was happy she didn't have to plan a party if she was being quite honest, but she would have liked to get something for Sebastian. She toyed with the ring in her hand, thinking. "What flavor should we make the cake?"

Ominis snorted inwardly, "Is that really a question?"

"Cinnamon." She mused, thinking out loud, "But we should do two different cakes. Does Anne have another kind of cake she's fond of?"

He paused, thinking. "I know she's fond of bananas. Remember she asked for Banana pudding when you both surprised us in the Undercroft?"

"Ah! My father used to make these banana pudding cake bars-we can make those as another dessert. Lucky that Cinnamon and Banana pair well together."

Ominis grinned, "Sounds like we have everything planned then. We can do the baking this week after Herbology. We'll have to sneak away from them."

"Sneak away from who?" An upbeat voice said from behind Adelaide.

She jumped, spying Anne and Sebastian walking towards them. "You couldn't have warned they were walking in behind me, Ominis?"

"Sorry, love. Didn't see them." He said flatly.

Sebastian wore a wry grin as he sat down next to her, "What are we sneaking away from? Are we to have another rendezvous in the Restricted Section?"

Adelaide was a terrible liar. Ominis covered for her, "We were discussing your birthday plans, bugger off."

She covered her mouth, trying not to laugh loudly because Scribner had already yelled at them once for being too loud. Sebastian raised an eyebrow, but the younger Sallow spoke up.

"Ah! Imelda and I are making plans for Friday night-there's to be a party. That way if the wizard punch gets spiked again, everyone doesn't have to wake up early for class in the morning." Anne beamed.

Adelaide looked at her puzzled, "Spiked, as in alcohol?"

"Depends really," She put a finger on her cheek thinking, "When we were first years, it was a confusing concoction and we just stumbled around. Second years, was the Volubilis potion which made the drinker sound as if they'd inhaled helium. Imagine the Common Room being full of students singing Happy Birthday in high pitches tones."

Sebastian chuckled beside her, "Don't forget third year."

"Ah!" She laughed, "And somehow the punch was spiked with polyjuice and everyone started becoming like Sebastian or I-there were two punch bowls this time-but it only lasted for a minute or two since it was so diluted."

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