Gladrags and Shopping Bags

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Hogsmeade in the evening was a sight to behold. All the warm lighting from the shops casting a beautiful glow on the cobblestone. Floating lights were suspended in the air making it a whimsical appearance in the Magical town. Ominis had his wand out and was focused on something whereas Sebastian's eyes were searching the crowds. Adelaide quickly realized they were ensuring it was safe for her to be here before they decided to have fun.

She nudged Sebastian, "Relax. Nothing will happen here in town."

"You're utterly right," Sebastian nodded, "Nothing would ever happen in the middle of the hamlet. About as likely as a troll attack in Hogsmeade."

Adelaide sent him a look, hearing the sarcasm drenched in his voice. "Ominis, besides the potion station is there anything you could think of that Anne would like?"

"Perhaps you could get her some little trinkets to put on the potion station to remind her of us." Ominis thought carefully, scratching his head. "Anything will probably be better than what this git buys."

Sebastian smiled cheekily. "I'm offended."

"You don't look offended." Adelaide observed, looking over at Gladrags. Trinkets would be nice, would she like some new clothing? No, she thought, Anne hardly goes anywhere anymore.

Sebastian raised his eye brows, "For your information, I was thinking about getting her a new card game. Exploding snap."

"Merlin's beard," Ominis groaned, "Well I suppose it's fine. She beats you at every card game so you'll likely be the one with singed eyebrows."

A laugh escaped her. She thought about it for a moment. What Anne seems to love more than anything is spending time with her, Sebastian, and especially Ominis.

"How far have you gotten with Anne?" She blurted out, not thinking.

Sebastian's head turned slowly and looked at Ominis through slitted eyes. Ominis swallowed, feeling the tension in the air was palpable. "Love, I'd rather not die tonight."

Adelaide scrambled, "I mean-Have you asked her out on a date?"

"I've been thinking about it." Ominis admitted, smiling. "But haven't thought of a way to ask."

Adelaide hmm'd. "I think I have an early birthday idea. What if you surprise her with a date? I could buy her a dress and get her all doll'd up and you could wear a suit-then Sebastian and I could ask Feenky for her favorite meals. It could be so romantic!"

Sebastian looked disgusted. "Darling-"

"That's brilliant!" Ominis interrupted with a genuine smile on his face. "What color do I look best in? For the Suit?"

She pondered, "Honestly I'm not sure. We'll have to have a show."

"A show?" Both boys echoed looking at each other with identical looks of confusion.

She smirked, pushing both boys towards a nearby building. The archway was purple along with the window frames and the lilacs that bloomed next to the doorway. In gold, fancy script was a 'G' and 'R'. Above that, GLADRAGS WIZARDWEAR was spelled out in a similar cursive font.

As they walked into the store, a voice shouted at them from behind the desk. "Before you ask, I'm all out of the new socks, so if your feet are smelly you'll have to work it out for yourself."

Sebastian snickered, glancing down at her; about to open his mouth. Adelaide gave him a stern look, "So help me-If you say something stupid, I will find Ominis' dirty socks and put them in your mouth."

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