Mum's the Word

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Adelaide was climbing the staircase for the Divination classroom, wondering if another trip to Hogsmeade was in order. She had Sirona's letter tucked into her pocket and was debating on telling Sebastian and Ominis. She was also wondering why she was even debating. It was uncanny how those two were able to always know when something was bothering her. It also made her wonder if she was bad at hiding her emotions.

Once Adelaide reached the top of the staircase, she meant to climb the ladder up to the classroom, but Natty and her mother were standing in front arguing.

"So frustrating." Natty exclaimed, crossing her arms.

Professor Onai looked between Adelaide and Natty with a flash of annoyance. "I had hoped to speak with you alone, Natsai."

It was an extremely uncomfortable situation which caused Adelaide to smile. She couldn't help it. She didn't want to be here either.

"Your message mentioned your concern about an unusual creature that was spotted in the woods near Hogsmeade." Natty glanced over at Adelaide, "That could have been anything."

"You know what it was, Natsai." Her mother was unrelenting, regarding her daughter levelly with no sign of wavering.

Natsai scowled, "I am allowed to leave the castle. I am always careful, Mother."

"Careful?" A bemused smile fell on the Professor's face. "Officer Singer disagrees. She sent me an owl telling me that you have been trying to collect evidence of some kind against Dark Wizards." Her tone swelled with a controlled anger. "She berated me for not keeping a closer eye on you and she is right. I do not want you visiting Hogsmeade for the near future."

Natty blanched, "But Mother-"

"My little Gazelle-you are well intentioned," Her Mother began, "But you must not meddle in the affairs of dangerous people."

Tears sprung from Natty's eyes as her voice escalated, "If someone had 'meddled' in Matabeleland, Father would still be here with us!"

"I must get to class. Perhaps your friend can get you to listen to reason." Her mother walked away in frustration.

Adelaide smiled awkwardly, "...That went well."

"She never listens to me." Mother and Daughter frustration matched, but Natty was more emotional about the conversation. Clearly.

The Slytherin shrugged, "She's not wrong. Look at it from her perspective. You lost your father and she lost her husband. And now her only child is getting involved with dark wizards."

"Are your parents this strict, though?" Natty asked, wiping her tears.

Adelaide grimaced, "That don't reprimand me as much as yours do." It wasn't a lie. They're dead.

"She claims that she has foreseen tragedy befall me." Natty sighed, but then frustration reared its ugly head towards her again. "But she has used her Sight to control me too many times. I no longer believe it."

"She's concerned for your safety." Adelaide pointed out, quickly becoming tired of this conversation. "It may be best for you to stay away from Hogsmeade for now."

"It may be safe, but that's not the best thing to do." She argued swiftly. "I choose to act as you have, I must deal with Rookwood and Harlow, not hide from them. My Mother cannot know where I am all the time." She sighed again. "Thank you for being here during that rather awkward conversation."

Adelaide blinked, "Of course." She looked at the grandfather clock posted next to the Divination ladder, "I need to meet Sebastian and Ominis. Goodbye Natty."

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