The Yule Ball: Part Three

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The only sound was that of the wooden spoon stirring the antidote. Anne noticed it was still red, but it required adding a bit more Gurdyroot until it turned a shade of green which Professor Sharp was doing slowly and meticulously.

"Solomon." Professor Hecat called out his name with a troubled expression.

Her uncle wore a sable black pair of trousers with an equally as dark trench coat and gold lacings tying it together in a twisting pattern. His wand was out in front of him poised towards Adelaide. "It doesn't have to be this way. Let the girl go and I'll deliver her to Spavin."

"Finally." Adelaide scoffed with a roll of his eyes in a melodramatic way.

As vexed as he was, Sebastian's lips twitched. He turned around now, brandishing his wand towards his Uncle. "Haven't you something better to do? Why are you working with Spavin?"

"This is none of you business-" Solomon began when Sebastian interrupted.

His motions were quicker than a golden snidget on a quidditch field. The incantation had barely left his lips when Solomon's wand was suddenly in Sebastian's. Anne blinked, astonished at how combative her brother was becoming and how exceptional he was. "You have no right to order me around." His canines were showing, utterly disgusted with their Uncle. "You never did."

"That look." Solomon's hateful expression worsened. "That was the same look your father always gave me." Before Sebastian could interject, he finished, "And that's why I killed him. Him and your mother."


Solomon watch as two halves a wand fell to the floor. "You broke my wand."

"I'm going to break your neck." Sebastian snarled, but Professor Hecat placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

She didn't look at him as he spoke, but instead at their Uncle. "Death would be a gift. Let him be tried and found guilty. He is Azkaban's."

"It's turned orange." Professor Sharp was counting out more Wiggentree twigs. "Five...Six...Seven." He placed the ingredients in the cauldron, "Once this turns pink and starts simmering again-the antidote is ready."

Anne nodded ignoring the way her eyes stung with unshed tears. After her parents died, she wanted a family. She tried to stay on Uncle Solomon's good side and her brothers so they could be one happy family. But she was delusional to think a reality like that was in the stars for her. Never mind the guilt she felt at how Sebastian was treated and she never spoke up against Solomon...And Sebastian never blamed her. Never got mad at her.

"Why?" Anne glanced briefly towards him. "Why did you do it? Did you think killing our parents would make you less of a coward?"

Anger flashed across Ominis' face as he heard the pain in her voice. Sebastian only turned to look back at Adelaide, frustration causing him to hastily loosen the bow tie around his neck and fling it to the ground. The top button of his dress shirt popped off, hitting the ground with a soft thud.

Solomon stuffed his hand in his pocket as if he were a child caught misbehaving. "No. It felt good more than anything." Bile rose up in her stomach. "And this will make me feel a lot better as well."

He whipped out another wand that was hidden within his coat, point it at Adelaide who was chained. "Avada Kedavra." Green magic shot out at the end of his wand towards the ancient magic user. Sebastian didn't hesitate throwing his body over Adelaide's and they tumbled to the ground. Anne's eyes widened, alarmed.

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