A Fated Encounter

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She sat down, thankful for the two in front of her that had asked Feenky to wrap up some breads, meats, and cheeses for her. Sebastian was still eyeing the blood stain on her side whereas Ominis was listening intently to the events that had occurred.

"And here we thought we had found something magnificent." Ominis mused.

Sebastian pointed towards the back end of the Undercroft, "I believe after we visited the old home of Isidora Morganach, that hidden compartment revealed itself on the back wall. Neither Ominis or myself have seen it before."

"Clearly." Ominis drawled out, "I haven't seen anything before."

"You see with your wand." Sebastian rolled his eyes, turning his attention to Adelaide, "You mentioned you needed to figure out Ranrock's plans while waiting for the next trial from Charles Rookwood. What is your plan?"

"Do you remember the goblin that had visited Sirona at the Three Broomsticks?" He nodded, "He seemed friendly enough. I intend to go tomorrow before class and see if he can provide us with any information."

Sebastian's lip curled in anger, "You want to trust a goblin for information?"

"Seb." Ominis warned, looking in his direction with a stern glare. "Not all goblins are bad."

Sebastian looked at him, irritated. "Do what you want. But don't expect my help." He snapped, standing up, and walking away towards the gate exit of the Undercroft.

Adelaide sighed and it was quiet for a moment before Ominis broke the silence. "He's narrow minded at times."

"Hot headed." Adelaide corrected, "Would you be interested in coming with me to the three broomsticks?"

He nodded, "Of course. You have astronomy tomorrow, right?"


"Then I'll meet you in the garden near the Quidditch field and we can walk together." He heard Adelaide yawn and continued, "I have to ask because he's my oldest friend...You also care about him, right?"

"Of course, we're all friends." Adelaide said easily.

Ominis raised an eye brow. "Right, just as I consider Anne and I just friends."

"You're courting her now?"

He pointed a finger at her, "Don't change the subject." His voice turned serious, "Sebastian lost his parents. He was helpless to save them and he found them dead in their cellar. It's quite obvious Solomon and him don't get along. They never did, Solomon saw too much of Sebastian's 'stubborn' father in him. And when Anne got cursed, Sebastian thought he was going to lose someone else. Anne and I are all he has left, Adelaide. I enjoy your company, but the path you're on is dangerous and I worry both about Sebastian's safety and yours."

Adelaide pursed her lips, thinking. "Ominis, I understand what it's like to lose people. Before meeting you and Sebastian, I had lost everyone important to me. My mother died when I was young and I watched a dementor steal my father's soul from his body. I care for you already as if you were my brother and Sebastian...." she stopped as none of the words to describe their friendship sounded right, "I'm not sure what our relationship is...But I know that my life is better with him in it. The path I am on is dangerous, but I fear that if I just ignore it-something terrible is going to happen."

"You may be right." Ominis admitted, standing up. "We should head back to the dormitory. I'll see if I can talk some sense into our hot headed friend."

Adelaide walked to the garden with a lot both in her head and heart. What she knew so far was that hundreds of years ago, there was another witch that shared a similar tale to hers-she joined Hogwarts late as a 5th year student who was able to see traces of Ancient Magic like her mentor. That ancient magic is being wielded by a present day goblin who may or may not wish to bring a war against wizard kind. That goblin is being held by two high ranking dark wizards for whatever reason. They must have a common goal in mind if they likely despise each other. But if she learned to wield ancient magic by finishing those trials...then she could stop the rebellion from escalating and the goblins from using ancient magic.

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