The Hunt for the Missing Pages

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"They can join the list, I have plenty of people trying to kill me." Adelaide reflected in a flat tone. "It's why I've had such a hard time sleeping lately. I need to ask Professor Sharp for more Calming draughts."

"I"ll sleep with you."

Adelaide blinked.

Ominis blinked.

They stared at the brown haired Slytherin that spoke so casually and he looked at them, puzzled at their reactions.

"Why are you both looking at me like you've got your wands in a knot?"

Adelaide didn't know what to say. Ominis spoke up instead, "Adelaide, you mentioned you found a book in the Restricted Section, no?"

"Yes." That reminded her, "I still haven't seen Professor Fig since I found it. I need to go find him."

Sebastian stood up, brushing the dirt off this robe, "I'll walk with you."

Ominis pulled harshly on the back of his robe, causing him to fall on his behind, "You and I are going to have a discussion on minding our words."

Adelaide said goodbye, brushing past them because she wanted no part of that awkward conversation. She could assume that he meant it innocently-she'd slept on Ominis by accident-perhaps he meant the same thing. Part of her wished he hadn't. She had accepted for some time now that she had feelings for Sebastian. How strong, it was still unclear, but Adelaide knew that he made her nervous. Made her want him in a way she'd never felt for anyone before. And when he touched her hand earlier, she wanted to throw herself into his arms and accept his warm embrace because he was safe. It was Sebastian. He and Ominis were the closest people to her, but with Ominis she only felt the bond between them in a sibling way. That feeling was mutual between them. She shook her head, focusing on the task ahead.

Professor Fig was hunched over the desk, peering over at the map. When she opened the door, he smiled. "I was about to send an owl for you."

"Yes, for the Book in the Restricted Section." She handed the book to him which resulted in him sending her a disapproving look. "I know, I was supposed to wait for you, but I went with Sebastian. Speaking of which, he may have gotten in trouble with the Headmaster because Peeves caught us..."

Professor Fig nodded, flipping through the pages, "I had heard about that in the faculty tower. He was supposed to see his Sister in Feldcroft because she's sick and the Headmaster took away his visiting privileges."

"WHAT?" Adelaide felt horrible. And ever so, angry. "His sister is sick. Please Professor, there has to be something you can do?"

Professor sighed, producing a key. "This goes to the brooms closet near the Quidditch field. I'll need time to research this book and translate the ancient texts. Furthermore there are pages missing. I'll tell the Headmaster you went on an errand for me."

"Professor, I don't know how to fly. And the last time I accepted a ride in the sky, a Dragon almost killed us."

"Then," The Professor gave her a look, "I suppose you'll have to have someone be your escort that knows how to fly. I need you to pick me up one Wiggenweld potion in Feldcroft."

"The highlands of Scotland for a potion I could make in potions class." Adelaide's eyes brightened with realization, "Understood, Professor. Thank you."

He shook his head with a small smile, "Be careful dear. These are dangerous times. I'll send you an owl when I've got a clue on what we should do next."

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