Meeting the Prince

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Adelaide took a step closer to the figure.

"I know who you are." She called out, raising her chin to appear like she wasn't absolutely terrified. Her voice was calm and collected. "Amir Faris."

He stepped out out the shadows wearing a dark ensemble of dragon leather. He looked at her amused, "You've done your homework."

"I am a student after all." Adelaide glowered, "Why are you here? You've been following me."

He gave her a cunning half-smile. "Aren't you a bit arrogant? Why would I follow around a student?"

"Why would your father save a student is the question." She retorted. "Your Father was hunting a dementor the night..."

"...the night you killed your father?" He grinned, seeing her discomfort. "I know all about your little secret Adelaide Clark. Ancient Magic wielder."

She tried to appear unbothered, but his grin widened. "How do you know about me?"

He took another step towards her, leaving only a few feet between them. He leaned down, next to her ear. "Who do you think sent the dementor?" And in the next moment, before she could brandish her wand or use her magic-he was gone.

Adelaide's trembled. She didn't just have another enemy. She had a powerful enemy.

After arriving back in the Common Room, Adelaide knew that sleep would evade her. The Minister's son, Amir Spavin was responsible for releasing a dementor to what--to kill her? He had plenty of opportunities following her around. He wanted something from her. Was it the same reason why Ranrock and Rookwood were searching for her?

She wasn't the only one facing a sleepless night. Sebastian wore a pair of sleeping trousers and a plain white linen shirt. The short sleeves were tight on his arms-revealing bulging triceps-Adelaide shook her head rapidly. Not the time, she chastised.

He looked up, hearing her footsteps. There was a book in his hands, but thankfully it wasn't a spell book or even anything wizard related. He was reading A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. And it appeared he was nearly done with it.

"Adelaide." There was hesitancy in his voice. As if he had feared he didn't have the right to call her by name.

Adelaide sighed heavily, sitting on the couch, and facing him. "I've just received unsettling news that I still need time to process. Hug, please?"

Sebastian wordlessly held out his arms, and she hugged him, nuzzling her face against his chest. His arms wrapped around her tightly, making her feel safe from everyone else in the world trying to get to her. His chest was hard and with her hand on his abdomen, she couldn't understand how someone who for the most part ate only pastries at breakfast was so fit-she rolled her eyes. She needed to get her mind out of the gutter, but it was determined to stay there.

"What is it?" He asked with his cheek leaning against her head. "Care to let me help process what just occurred?"

Adelaide reached into her pocket for the note from Sirona. "It's been a hectic day, I wasn't able to show you this." Sebastian read the note quickly and once he gave it back, she continued, "I ran into him. Tonight."

"Where was Ominis?" She could hear the scowl in his voice. "What all happened after I left?"

So much with Solomon that she couldn't say. "I was about to use the floo system with Ominis, but I saw his eyes in the dark. Rather terrifying image, no? Red glowing eyes in the dark." She shivered and he hugged her tighter, letting his book slide on the other side of him. Adelaide idly wondered if he lost his page now. "I asked him why his father was chasing a dementor. And then after some subpar banter he revealed that he sent the dementor to my house and knew about my magic."

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