Sweet Like Honeydukes

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Adelaide was the first to breakfast. She had been waiting for the guys to wake up, but after almost a half hour of sitting in the Common Room waiting for them, she decided to go on her own. She still saved them seats at the table which was luck on their part because they strolled in with only fifteen minutes to spare before breakfast was over. Ominis was yawning as he walked in and Sebastian looked disheveled. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to wake himself up whilst Adelaide tried to ignore the memory of how those curls wrapped around her fingers.

"Good Morning." Ominis greeted, sitting down across from her.

Sebastian made a noise that sounded like good morning, but between his yawn she could barely make out the words. She smiled, "Morning. Why are you both so tired?"

Ominis shrugged, buttering some toast. "Genius over there forgot that he had a parchment due this morning on an introduction to Ghoul Studies. We finished it early this morning."

"Ghoul Studies?" She echoed.

Sebastian only nodded sleepily, eyes barely open as he bit into a sweet pastry. Ominis answered for him again, "Yes, as in the study of ghosts and poltergeists. After Peeves spied and told on him again to the librarian, Sebastian signed up for an extra class to learn how to banish Peeves out of the School indefinitely."

Adelaide choked on a laugh and shook her head. "Of course. What classes do you two have today?"

"Flying and Ghouls Studies." Sebastian mumbled.

Ominis frowned, "Muggle studies and Divination. I don't think I can listen to the Professor drone on and on again about the newest muggle invention of Incandescent lighting."

"Sorry," Adelaide drawled sarcastically, "We don't all have magical abilities and candles that never wane. My father and I were too poor to have such a luxury like incandescent lighting. We lived in a farmhouse in rural country."

"Love, you know that's not what I meant. The topic is simply boring is all." Ominis said through a bite of buttered toast, "At the very least, I'm not a dunce who waited until the last minute to write about the history of Ghouls in Hogwarts."

Sebastian shrugged at his comment, continuing to eat as time ticked on. As they made their way from the breakfast, Adelaide waited until there was no one close to them to talk about the letter she received from Natsai.

"I received a letter last night." She informed them, "From Natsai Onai."

Ominis looked puzzled, "Who?"

"The Gryffindor?" Sebastian's expression matched Ominis,' "What in Merlin's name does she want with you?"

Adelaide lowered her voice, "Apparently, Rookwood and Harlow have a big poaching scheme in the makings. She wants me to help her track down some evidence in Falbarton Castle that would implicate Harlow and anyone associated with him to Officer Singer."

"You truly can't go one day without putting your life in danger, huh?" Ominis grimaced, ruffling the back of her head affectionately.

Sebastian was frowning, nodding in agreement with Ominis. "I understand it needs to be done, but why you? Couldn't Natsai have given this information to the Aurors?"

"It appears she did, but the Aurors either didn't believe her or some have turned their coat."

"I've got to get to class." Ominis rolled his eyes, "This conversation isn't finished. I'll see you all tonight."

Adelaide briefly said her goodbye as the pale blonde pulled out his wand to guide himself to the Muggle Studies classroom. She idly thought about how interesting it could be to see her old world from a different perspective. A Wizard's perspective.

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