A Cure for What?

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Screw finding Professor Kogawa. She knew where the House elf cleaned right after dinner. Adelaide only had to make it to the Common Room without being found out. Unfortunately, the moment she left the Classroom, she encountered Professor Sharp.

"Professor-I was hoping to catch you." He was out of breath as if he had been working on something with haste.

Adelaide scowled, "I have places to be, Professor Sharp. Places to be." She channeled her inner unpleasant attitude that she normally kept quiet.

"Of course, Sir. Only-you'd asked me about a particular potion and I-well, i-" He was a blabbering mess for someone who was usually intimidating to the students.

She scowled, but honestly she was interested. "Spit it out, Sharp. I don't have all night."

He gulped, looking around. "Probably best not to discuss it here, Sir."

Now she was really interested. "I didn't ask you what was best." She growled out.

"Very well," Professor Sharp looked resigned. "I've brewed the Cure for Boils you wanted. I can drop it by your office when it's convenient."

It took everything in Adelaide not to burst out laughing. She sniffed. "Do it in the morning." And she walked away from him, swiftly.

Adelaide briskly walked through the musical passage way where she saw Garreth leaning and biting down on an apple. "Chewing with your mouth open?" She snapped, causing him to jump up and drop the apple, "Where are your manners?"

"I-Uh-Sorry Headmaster." He apologized.

She hid a chagrin smile behind a scoff. This was too much fun. A few students tried to grab what they thought was the Headmaster's attention and Adelaide dismissed them with various excuses.

"I haven't time for any of you."

"Move, out of my way."

She had made it to the dungeons when Professor Weasley appeared out of thin air. Adelaide raised an eyebrow, waiting for her to speak first.

"Hello, Professor Black." She greeted.

Adelaide looked at her blankly. "Professor Weasley. How, er, delightful to see you."

"Delightful?" She looked taken aback, but then louder said, "It's about Professor Fig. I confess I do worry for his students-he's rarely here. I know it was a rush hiring him after he took over for Professor Sallow, but-"

Adelaide didn't have to pretend to be hostile or angry, or unpleasant this time. "That is none of your concern, I realize he's gone much."

She recoiled at the Headmaster's tone, backtracking. "I see. But sir, if I may, I am wary of how much time the new fifth year seems to be spending away from the Castle with young Sallow and Gaunt-supposedly on Professor Fig's behalf." She gestured away from them, "I've heard unsettling rumors of their escapades. Everything from sneaking into the Forbidden Forest-to confronting Ranrock's Loyalists and Rookwood's lot."

You're welcome, Adelaide thought dryly. "Goodness. You cannot believe everything you hear, Professor." She thought about it, "And Sallow along with Gaunt have free privileges to go see Anne Sallow whenever they'd like. It's a favor for the House of Gaunt."

Adelaide recalled that Ominis said the Professor was good friends with Ominis' Father. Terrible people, misery loves company she supposed.

Professor Weasley looked frustrated, but plastered a fake smile on her face. "Yes, well then Sir if you'll excuse me." She walked away, muttering, "I shall never understand that man."

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