The Yule Ball: Part One

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Adelaide didn't recognize herself in the mirror. Her auburn red hair was intentionally curled in a way that framed her face. There were a few curls pulled back in a braid like a crown. Dainty pearls decorated her hair, all shining and reflecting the light.

Her make up was minimal to accentuate her natural features. Her lashes were dark which made her eyes intense. Her cheeks appearing naturally rosy. Adelaide's lips were painted in an almost clear pink color.

The dress is what made everything come together. From the wine colored, draping sleeves around her shoulders to the bodice that was tight and accentuated her figure. The gown of the dress caressed her body, falling down in a light fashion. The way the fabric glistened was bound to catch a few pair of eyes, but she was only interested in his.

Anne looked just as beautiful with her hair pulled to the side with a sapphire hairpin Ominis had bought for her. The gradient blue of her dress along with the tulle, and glistening golden lace made her appear voluptuous. Ominis was a lucky man.

The guys had promised to meet them in the Common Room. Upon first glance, she saw Ominis leaning against the back of one of the loveseats, waiting patiently. He was dashing in his suit that matched Anne's dress and she was beaming when he straightened—sensing her presence with his wand.

Adelaide snorted inwardly when she saw him reach behind him—swatting someone in the back of the head with a hiss of "Get up."

The laugh was stuck in her throat when he rose up. His tousled hair was gelled to the side, but a few rebellious curls still escaped, and that was endearing to her. No doubt Ominis had made him style his hair to look appropriate for the ball. He wore a burgundy suit with black lapels. A white dress shirt underneath, he wore a black bow tie over it. He looked incredibly handsome and part of her wanted him to take it off. Scratch that, she did want him to take it off so she could have her way with him and allow no one else to see how charming her lover was.

She realized a bit late that he was of the same mind. His lips had parted slightly at the sight of her as she walked up to him. Adelaide felt the weight of his gaze brush her shoulders, her collar bone, her bust, and all along her figure. A sweet smile played on his lips, but his eyes were full of lustful hunger.

"You're breath-taking." He said, the both of them jumping when the book he had been reading fell out of his hands.

She laughed, picking up and reading the cover. It was a Tale of Two Cities again. "This one, again?"

He reached down, grabbing her hand gently and kissing each of her knuckles. She burned with an unfamiliar ache and quite honestly wanted to skip the Ball altogether now. By the way she felt him smile against her hand, he knew exactly how much he affected her. "A man who would give his life to keep a life you love beside you."

Adelaide raised an eye brow, "English, please."

Sebastian straightened and rolled his eyes, "I'll make a reader out of you yet. Until then, keep guessing."

"Sounds as if you don't understand what it means either."

His eyes darkened, accepting the challenge. "It means darling, that I would sacrifice anything to keep the smile on your face."

Swoon. Adelaide shook her head with a smile, "You keep the smile on my face." She looked over to see Ominis and Anne enjoying their bickering like a Jue de Paume.

"Are we ready?" Ominis inquired, his eye brows scrunching together with worry. Adelaide wished they could enjoy the night for what it was. A Party. But this was so much more.

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