An Owed Explanation

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It was almost lunch when Adelaide was told to report to Professor Fig's office. In truth, she was glad for it. There was so much to tell him in the short amount of time since she'd last seen him.

"Professor!" She hurriedly walked up to his desk as he stood up, "I'm glad to see you."

He smiled, but then his face morphed into a serious expression, "And I you. Thank Merlin you're in one piece. I heard about the attack. Trolls-In Hogsmeade?"

That reminded her. "Sir-The trolls were wearing armor. It had a dark glow like the dragon collar."

"Goblin Silver. Ranrock used it to control the dragon. But how? And why send trolls to-"

"They were there because of me." Adelaide informed him, gravely. "I overheard Ranrock talking with Victor Rookwood."

"Ranrock was in Hogsmeade? With Rookwood?"

Adelaide nodded, "The trolls were Ranrock's distraction so that Rookwood could get to me. And he would have-had Sirona, Sebastian, and the patrons at the Three Broomsticks not intervened."

"This is grave news indeed. If Ranrock's goblins and Dark Wizards are after you, they want what we found in that vault."

"The locket. What ever came from it?"

Professor Fig gestured to the map that laid on his desk. "Yes, yes. I discovered an inscription on the locket. When I read it out loud, this map appeared. Clever enchantment. It's a map of Hogwarts, to be sure, but I do not know where it leads."

Adelaide squinted as small beads of ancient magic formed over a specific part of the map. "It leads to the library...The Restricted Section to be precise. And a bit beyond, but I do see traces of magic there on the map."

"I suspected you would see something."

"Shall we go right now?" She said eagerly.

Professor Fig shook his head, "I appreciate your enthusiasm-and I'm eager to discover what we may find there as well. But if our experience at Gringotts, let alone what happened to Miriam taught me anything, it's that the path we're on is terribly dangerous. You need to become stronger in your studies and as a Witch before we can continue."

"But Sir. It's the Library. How dangerous could it be?"

"Once you've honed in on your defensive magic in class, then we'll go." Professor's voice was firm. "You have almost been killed twice in the last two days Adelaide. As with yesterday, I'm not always going to be there to protect you. Mr. Sallow, your companion yesterday won't be either."

Adelaide frowned, but nodded. He wasn't being unreasonable, but it felt like a race against Ranrock and Rookwood. They wanted this map enough to attack a village full of people and children. "So all I need to do is learn another spell or two with Professor Hecat?"

Professor Fig nodded, "Yes, and then we'll-"

The door slammed open, causing the both of them to jump. Headmaster Black walked through, looking at them both distastefully. "Fig, I have work for you. Come."

"Headmaster, I'm with a student, and my schedule is-"

The Headmaster raised his hand, "Your schedule will wait, indefinitely, as will your student. I would think that after all the trouble you caused me with Osric you would be eager to make amends. My office. Five minutes." The door slammed again.

"That man is exasperating." Professor Fig grumbled, "Unfortunately it may be some time before I return."

"But Professor-"

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