A Hogsmeade Adventure

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She saw him first leaned against the wall, chatting with a few Ravenclaw students. One had increasingly curly black hair and circular ringed glasses. He was pale and looked to be answering a question whereas the shorter girl beside him had sweeping blonde hair that was nestled in a braid. She was quite beautiful with naturally rosy cheeks and eyes that were big and brown.

"The Magic Neep does sell different specimens, but only Professor Garlick has some from Abyssinia in the greenhouse." The boy explained gesturing with his hands to some far off location, "But the healing properties in Shrivelfigs while evident, aren't very strong. You would do much better with a Wiggenweld potion if you're thinking of traveling somewhere far."

The girl beside them reached for Sebastian's arm, "I could go with you. I know a lot about potion making, best in my class."

Sebastian removed his arm and upon catching sight of Adelaide, excused himself from the conversation. Adelaide locked eyes with the pouting Ravenclaw and was met with a fiery mix of jealousy and contempt. She looked away, towards the Slytherin boy who was now directly in front of her.

"Ah. My new charge." He mused, eyes dancing with mirth. "I'm told you're in dire need of supplies and I'm to accompany you into hogsmeade for them."

Adelaide crossed her arms if only to put some distance between them. "Why do you look so amused? Am I missing a joke?"

"I think it's rather funny you wanted to spend more time with me." He pointed out, leaning in. "Did you miss me that much?"

"Defeating you in a duel was rather entertaining, but I recalled you needed more Ink."

"Do you normally hang onto every word I say?"

Pressing her lips together, Adelaide started walking away. "I'm going on my own." She felt someone tug on her robe, and she looked behind her to see Sebastian holding on it. "Can I help you?"

"I was only jesting." He pointed towards the large castle doors, "That is the quickest exit to go to Hogsmeade. And I will endeavor to be the very best of guides, if you'll allow me." When she nodded, he beckoned for her to follow him; paying no mind to the two Ravenclaw students who were still conversing where he had once stood. "Hogsmeade is a charming little place. Self-contained, too. We should be able to find everything you need. Shall we?"

When the doors opened, Adelaide was caught off guard by how beautiful the garden was with the view of a big stadium in the background.

"Wow." She said breathlessly with a smile. Adelaide turned to Sebastian looking down at her.

"Beautiful, I know." He looked towards the garden and pointed towards a dirt trail in the distance that led away from the garden, "We could use floo powder, but I figured it'd be better to try and learn the area."

Adelaide nodded as they started their travel, walking side by side through the garden. There were tons of students enjoying the bright sunny day and most were eating lunch outside. She frowned, "I'm sorry, I didn't realize—Did I make you skip lunch because of Hogsmeade?"

He raised an eye brow, "Adelaide, no one can make me do anything." He ran a hand through his hair, yawning. With the sunlight, she could see that there were a few pieces of russet and red in his hair, but obviously quite not as red as her hair was. "I assumed we could enjoy a butter-beer after our shopping is done. What all exactly do you need?"

Adelaide thought about it, trying to ignore the way it felt as if butterflies were fluttering around in her stomach at the sound of her name on his lips. "Luckily a few pieces of luggage arrived to the schoolhouse with clothes. But everything I cared about, letters...photos...They're all gone. I'll need parchment, a new quill, and some ink as well. But I also need to stop by Ollivander's wand shop. This one I've been using is a second hand."

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