The Map Chamber

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"As if we'd tell you." Sebastian snarled with alarming ferocity. Adelaide looked at him a bit in surprise. There was no warmth in his eyes. His mouth was turned down in a permanent frown. This was another side of Sebastian she hadn't encountered. Until now.

The warrior struck first, running at Sebastian with a low war cry. He casted Protego and followed it up with Stupefy. Adelaide focused on the Sentinel that had appeared out of the shadows, leveling her gaze.

It used a form of corrupted ancient magic from what she could tell and she knew she had to get rid of him quick. "Incendio." Sebastian dodged the fire, using the distraction to cast Diffindo and Confringo towards two of the warriors, defeating them both.

The sentinel growled as he used his cape to deflect the flames and then hurled a ball of ancient magic towards Adelaide. "Protego." She shouted, spinning and sending her own burst of ancient magic towards the sentinel. It unexpectedly transfigured the goblin into a chicken which Sebastian threw into the lake, claiming it was fish food now.

"Seems we dodged a bludger." He pointed out, looking around.

Adelaide nodded slowly, "I've never seen you so angry before...When we were fighting the goblins."

"They were trying to kill us. Did you expect me to invite them to tea?" He headed towards the birdbath, eyeing it. "What did Jackdaw say to you?"

Adelaide suspected that there was more to the story than Sebastian was letting on, but they needed to focus on the task at hand. She walked up to the white, small bird bath and whispered the password. "Intra Muros."

The back of the cave collapsed revealing that it extended far more than what was led to believe. However, the bridge it revealed was enchanting. Old gold railings with magic infused burning torches that lit the way. What was not beautiful were all the spider webs covering it nor the spiders that crawled up the sides of the railings to face them.

"Was it spiders that beheaded Jackdaw?" Sebastian asked, raising his wand.

Adelaide shook her head doubtfully, "He would have saw them first."

"Levioso. Diffindo." Sebastian threw a myriad of spells towards the dreadful creatures as Adelaide used Depulso to throw the burning spiders off the bridge. At times, they didn't have to communicate what they were going to do, the other just knew.

Sebastian and Adelaide walked forward on the bridge, keeping an eye out for any more creepy crawlers. She could hear them, but every movement out of the corner of her eye turned to be nothing. As they reached the end of the bridge, Adelaide noticed that there was a chandelier high above them in the same symbol that had been engraved on the portkey. The same symbol she kept seeing whenever ancient magic was involved.

"Is that..." Sebastian wondered, looking at the ground further ahead. They rushed over to see a skeletal body with two swords deep within the body and saw that it had severed the spinal cord near the head.

Adelaide bent down, retrieving the pages. "Richard Jackdaw." She finished, carefully folding the pages into her robe.

The moment she grabbed the pages, she heard something being whirled towards her. Without any warning, someone's body collided with hers and they hit the ground hard. The smell of cinnamon and clove wafted around her.

She looked up to see Sebastian's face inches away from hers. His lips brushed her cheek as he turned his head to spot numerous figures heading towards them. Adelaide eyed a sword embedded into the wall above them. She had almost lost her head.

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