Time for Goodbyes

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Adelaide closed her eyes tightly. Isidora meant well, but she was misguided taking away people's pain as a form of healing magic. Healing magic. She didn't even know where to begin with that. Nothing came to mind, but Adelaide was desperate. She would give anything to heal Ominis. It was like a feral beast clawing away at her heart, willing to give up anything and everything to save him.

A voice drifted into her head. One that she didn't recognize, but could tell it was as old as the Hogwarts Founders. Something as old as magic itself.

'A life for a life. Keep the balance.'

Her eyes shot open. "A life for a life. Keep the balance. That's how we save him."

"I'll do it." Two voices didn't hesitate. Anne looked at her with anguish written on her face. "I was never meant to be cured anyway-I had accepted not living once. I can do it again."

Sebastian's eyes were blazing with self-condemnation and an unspoken warning on his tongue. Do not choose her. Choose me.

Ominis tried shaking his head, his eyes fluttering for a moment, "No. Neither of you are dying. I made my choice."

Adelaide closed her eyes. How do I make the trade?

It reverberated in her head. 'Release your magic. All of it. Take the fate of the one you wish to save.'

She nodded slightly, thinking about it felt like she was tugging at a tether inside of her. Adelaide never tugged too hard for fear of it snapping, but now she pulled and pulled. It was overwhelming and she saw a flash of bright light behind her eyes.

Opening her eyes, she saw ancient magic disseminating from her hands and it was flowing through Ominis' veins as if cleansing his blood from the toxins released in his liver. The laceration around the dagger glowed and Sebastian pulled the dagger out by the handle. Everyone watched as the skin patched together faster and quicker than any Wiggenweld Potion.

Ominis blinked, lifting his shirt up to reveal smooth, pale skin. He patted his abdomen feeling around, "Did you just use healing magic?"

"She purified your blood and healed your wound. You truly are a pureblood now." Sebastian said dryly and met her gaze head on. "What did it cost? I know there's a catch."

Adelaide didn't say anything, watching as more as the ancient magic left her body. She felt as if a part of her was gone, but the notion was insane. She only knew about ancient magic the last few weeks. She was still a Witch that could wield the same magic as everyone else.

It was small, but a red symbol of ancient magic appeared above Ominis abdomen. Adelaide reached for it, accepting her fate. A life for a life. To keep the balance equal...

But she was beaten to it. She watched as the strong, yet weathered hand wrapped around it. Professor Fig looked at her with a smile. "I have lived my life. Right now, I want nothing more than to see Miriam again."

He fell back; Sebastian catching him to rest him him gently against the stone floor. Ominis sat up, his eyes filling with unshed tears as he realized what the Professor had done. What the Professor had sacrificed so he could spend a long life with Anne.

"Miriam." Professor Fig gasped, his eyes starting to dim as he stared up at the ceiling. Anne retrieved Miriam's wand from Amir's body, placing it over his chest. His hands wrapped around it with a single tear falling down the side of his face. He made sure to look everyone in the eye for a moment before he smiled. "Miriam would have loved you all. Just as I do. The Wizarding World could not be in more capable hands."

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