Where the Wild Graphorns Are

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Adelaide met Professor Fig in the woods near Professor San Bakar's tower was. There was a circular stone engraving on the floor that was at least 10 yards in diameter. He was kneeling and casting Lumos to see it clearly.

"You're here." He nodded in greeting before standing straight, "I have good news-we do not have any of Ranrock's loyalists to contend with. Of course, the bad news is that it's likely because they no longer need to track the Keepers for information."

Adelaide frowned, looking around. There wasn't much here. Just the stone artwork on the bottom and then...She hmm'd to herself as she noted vines growing along a stone wall. Maybe there was something there to help them figure out what to do next.


As the flames ate away at the vines and leaves, a stone carving revealed a face in the wall. She blinked repeatedly, not entirely sure what she was looking at. It looked like a magical beast with a beard.

"Is that a-? It is." Professor Fig was bewildered. "I believe I know what must be done." He looked at her, "Do you recognize the head sculpted there?"

Adelaide shook her head, "Not a clue."

"It appears to be a fearsome beast known as a Graphorn." He explained, "And the prints carved into the ground lead me to believe that a Graphorn will somehow open the way forward."

"That's what Professor Rackham meant when he spoke of my needing an 'ability to interact with beasts,'" Adelaide thought back to their earlier conversation.

Professor Fig nodded, "It would seem so. I do know that the last of a long dynasty of Graphorns lives nearby. They call him 'Lord of the Shore.' I suspect you'll need to bring him here. What happens next, I can't say."

"Have you ever captured a Graphorn, Professor?" She inquired, trying to gauge how difficult of a task this was going to be.

He nodded again, "I have, yes. Years ago, at Stonehenge, of all places. The Ministry still owes me for that favor." He chuckled quietly, "It can be difficult, of course. They are massive, after all-but it's not impossible. It's my experience that many of your spells will have no real effect. You'll need to wear him down. I'll wait here for you. Best of luck."

Adelaide made her way to an area near the ocean. There were a lot of cliffs and standing water along with...bones? Bones larger than her and smaller, it appeared the Graphorn wasn't picky with its meals. She only hoped he wouldn't use her bones as a toothpick.

She stepped around only to hear thunderous footsteps approaching her. She looked to her left and saw a gigantic creature. Adelaide stared at the purple-gay skinned creature with it's tough skin. It was so rough and armor like-she bet it was stronger than dragon leather. It walked on all fours with claws that sunk into the sand and two large horns that protruded out of its head with a tendril of spikes. Its mouth appeared to have tentacle like appendages and as it roared; she could see saber like teeth.

Bowing wasn't going to cut it here. This wasn't a Hippogriff. And she would not care to face the wrath of the Cruciatus Curse again. The Lord of the Shore barreled towards her and she jumped to the side dodging it.

"I don't suppose we could talk this out?" Adelaide offered.

Its golden eyes narrowed at her, stomping one of its large legs into the dirt as it got ready to charge again. Adelaide sighed, taking that as a no.

"Bombarda." Adelaide set off the explosion as a distraction, "Incendio." The ground was crawling with embers and smoke-causing the Graphorn to back up. She grinned almost apologetically and casted, "Diffindo."

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