A Day of Reprieve

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It appeared that things were going well in Feldcroft. Sebastian and Ominis took turns sneaking over while Adelaide stayed at Hogwarts because it was simply becoming too dangerous. Today she didn't have the energy to fight with them about leaving the Castle. It was the 2nd of December today. And the only thing on her mind was her mother. It was a Tuesday and she had a relatively uninteresting day in the Defense Against the Dark Arts class.

Sebastian had pent up frustration and took it out by defeating every opponent he had today and continued dueling with the Crossed Wands organization. That's where he was currently whereas Ominis was dealing with Natty. Apparently she had questions about what had happened that night and since Adelaide was avoiding her for the moment, Ominis got mixed into it.

Instead, she was likely where none of them would find her. Not Sebastian, not Ominis, and certainly not Natty. She was in the kitchen with the other house elves. She could smell the stew cooking and her stomach rumbled as the smell hit her nose.

"Feenky has brought Miss the ingredients." The house elf snapped and along the table appeared various contents. A small bowl full of sugar, a glistening gold stick of butter, one large egg, a small vial of vanilla extract, another bowl containing what she thought was flour, the familiar spice she loved-cinnamon, and two small spoons full of baking powder and sea salt. "Please let Feenky know when the Miss is ready to bake."

Adelaide smiled kindly, "Thank you Feenky. I really appreciate this."

Feenky smiled huge at the student before leaving to stir the stew with the other house elves. Most of the ingredients were measured out already which made mixing everything together the most difficult task. She wondered if Sebastian was going to like the cookies and thought about sending Anne some.

She was worried about the sick Slytherin, but it seemed that things were better at home for her. Though, she wasn't sure why. After the last meeting, it appeared that Solomon wanted nothing to do with the Ministry. She idly wondered why he quit being an Auror so long ago. It was before Anne got sick, so that had nothing to do with his decision.

Adelaide wiped her face as she finished placing all the cookie drops on a baking sheet. Feenky put the cookies in an oven for eight minutes before promptly taking them out. Her mouth watered at the sight of the delicious cinnamon cookies, but waited patiently for them to cool before placing them in a delicate green cloth bag, and wrapping the top together with a golden ribbon.

As she left the kitchen, she ensured to split a cookie with Feenky and they both happily ate the warm cookie. Feenky had been so surprised, but absolutely over thrilled to have spent time with Adelaide in this setting. It almost made her forget about the death of her mother. Almost.

As she headed towards the stairs, she was caught by Poppy that had been heading to the Hufflepuff Common Room.

"Adelaide! I've been looking everywhere for you." Her smile was contagious and Adelaide quickly realized that it had been some time since the dragon ring.

"Poppy-Yes? What is it?"

The brunette girl waved her towards a secluded part of the kitchen where a bunch of potato peels sat. "So much has happened-I know you've been busy so I haven't asked you to come with me but..."

Poppy began to recount her a tale of the adventures she'd been on recently. After Horntail Hall, she was wondering why the poachers hadn't gone after them in full force after destroying a big source of income for them. That's when she found out the poachers had gone after someone-but it was her Gran. They stole her journals containing the possible location of a long-lost creature that was known as a Snidget.

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