A Promise of Forever

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Ranrock had no remorse as he stared at the dead crumbled figure. His brother was murdered in cold blood and he looked as if he had swatted a fly.

Victor Rookwood readied himself, a spring in his step as he threw his wand hand back, "Avada Kedavra."

He aimed towards the goblin as Sebastian pulled her behind him, but Ranrock ducked at the very last moment. He snapped his head towards the dark wizard and shot off a stream of magic, but missed as he hit a critical pillar that was holding the ceiling up.

"Go!' Sebastian urged her towards the exit, pushing her head down as the goblin's magic sailed over their heads. She heard Sebastian grunt in pain, but he yelled, "Don't stop!"

They ran towards the Mine cart that would lead them out of the Coastal Mine. Adelaide didn't pay much attention as she jumped on Sebastian's lap and he kicked off the gears necessary to start the infernal equipment.

Once they reached the final destination, Adelaide slid off her makeshift seat with ease, but Sebastian didn't jump down as she expected. She looked up to see his face pained as he carefully and slowly dropped down from the cart. His robe was torn on his left side, but what was worrisome was the blood leaking underneath the palm of his hand.

"Sebastian!" Her voice was horrified and she reached into her robe for one of Anne's potions, "Why didn't you say something?!"

He grimaced in agony, "We were a bit busy running for our lives, dear." He grabbed the vial from her hands and gulped down the potion, sighing in relief as the cut on his side healed. "Do you think it'll leave a scar? Witches like rugged men, right?"

If he felt good enough to make stupid jokes, she figured he'd live. "Why are you concerned with what other witches think of you? I should have let you bleed out."

His lip quirked up, "Too soon."

Adelaide thought about Lodgok and her mood soured. "Poor Lodgok. Dead by his brother's hand. No wonder he tried so hard to reason with him."

"One less goblin." Sebastian reflected, pulling the broomstick from the hedges.

She gave her lover an irritated look, her voice sour. "Sebastian, without Lodgok-I never would have learned about the repositories and what Ranrock was up to. We owe him."

Sebastian looked at her sideways as he threw his leg over the broom. "You would have figured it out quickly enough."

Rolling her eyes, she got on the broomstick after him, and held on tight as they rose steadily in the air. One day she would knock some sense into him even if she had to beat him with her wand.

She arrived barely in time for her detention. Luckily, Professor Weasley said she could help clean the bathrooms or help with dinner.

"Feenky thinks Miss can help peel the potatoes." Feenky pointed to a spare peeler and Adelaide set to work.

It gave her the time she needed doing a mindless task to think. She would have to see the Keeper's soon to tell them about Bragbor's journals and that Ranrock received the last one before killing Lodgok. Would the fourth trial be the hardest?

What about the Yule Ball? She wished it could be a time that she looked forward to seeing Sebastian dressed up-and she was-but it was like a dark looming cloud on the horizon. Amir would be granted permission into Hogwarts. The only place she felt safe.

There was another question that came to mind. Why did he agree to come to Hogwarts? Was she missing something? She sighed heavily and finished her detention, exhausted at the long day. But...There was somewhere she needed to be. She wouldn't be able to sleep until she talked to the Keepers.

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