Brewing Up Trouble

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Professor Sharp strolled with a limp past the students, looking from left to right. "Potions is one of the most challenging and hazardous subjects taught at this school. As fifth years, you will be required to reach new heights of both discipline and intellect." He turned to face them all, "You will begin this term by brewing a Wiggenweld Potion. Mr. Thakkar, can you tell us why this particular potion might come in handy?

Amit Thakkar was a spirited Ravenclaw, using his hands to gesture as he spoke enthusiastically. "Yes, Professor Sharp. The Wiggenweld potion can be used to sterilize and even heal a variety of injuries."

"It can heal some injuries, but not all." Professor Sharp corrected, holding up a vial filled with a vivid green liquid, "Points for Ravenclaw. Before today's class is completed, each of you will have brewed a Wiggenweld Potion of your own. You never know when you might need it. Please begin."

Adelaide looked across the room, expecting Ominis and Sebastian to be working together, but it appeared as if they had been split up. She had seen the short haired brunette before outside cleaning the animal stables. Her face was heart shaped and she seemed rather shy, but the Hufflepuff student was talking and describing the different materials to make the Wiggenweld potion. Ominis was smiling, nodding and hanging on to every word she said. Sebastian on the other hand was also smiling and talking, but it was with the blonde Ravenclaw student from the other day near the staircase. She was chatting and pointing out each of the different materials and laughing whenever he spoke.

"Adelaide, are you listening?"

She jumped at the sound of Garreth's voice beside her. "Oh, yes of course. Sorry what did you say?"

"The ingredients are in, can you stir the cauldron?" He asked, peering over at her curiously. "While the Professor is distracted, I think I may try to steal a Fwooper feather from his office."

This caused Adelaide to frown. "Do it on your own time, Garreth. If you get caught, I'll also be in trouble."

"You need to live a little. How's the potion coming along?" He inquired, looking down into the smoke.

It appeared to be the same color as the Wiggenweld potion Professor Sharp had brewed and placed in a vile. Of course, she'd had plenty of the Dittany infused potions before. "Fine, I suppose."

A laugh broke her train of thought and she looked up to see the blonde's hand on Sebastian's arm as she laughed. Her eyes were shining with obvious joy at speaking with the Slytherin boy. A flare of irritation swept through her before it turned into shock.

Why was she getting so wound up and irritated that Sebastian was acting so familiar with that Ravenclaw girl? She didn't know what they were even talking about, but part of her doubted it was even Hogwarts related. Feeling a pair of eyes on him, Sebastian looked in her direction, and she quickly shifted her focus.

"It should be done now, right? Let's taste test." Adelaide pointed out hurriedly and took a spoonful of the liquid to her mouth.

"Don't drink that!" Garreth shouted, startling all the nearby students.

It was spicy.

Wiggenweld potions were not spicy. She dropped the spoon and vaguely heard it clatter to the floor. Her eyes met Sebastian's as his widened before running over to her. Ominis was at her side too, but it was too late. She would have hit the floor if Sebastian hadn't caught her. She was frozen in fear as the scenes replayed in her head over.

Along with the shallow gasps for air, Adelaide could see a ghostly shape floating above her father who had been sleeping. The small desk lamp beside them flickered on and off before dying, but the cloaked figure above her dad clamped its head down on his face. The shallow gasps were now muffled as she could see a silver glint of light being absorbed by the figure.

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