The Plot Thickens

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"Sebastian? What are you talking about?" A flicker of nervousness crossed her face. A few of the Slytherins that were hanging about now circled around them.

"What's going on here?" Reyes inquired, curiously.

Ominis scowled, the wand in his hand glowing faintly red at the end. "We have an intruder. Someone's used a polyjuice potion."

"How can you be so sure?" Doubt filled her voice.

"I don't believe I stuttered." Sebastian never broke eye contact with her. "Where is the real Adelaide?"

She pursed her lips, putting a hand on his chest. "It's me, my love." The fake Adelaide leaned up to kiss him, but Sebastian shoved her away. Her foot caught the loveseat and she tripped backwards.

He readied his wand, casting "Levioso." And watched as she was lifted into the air. "I'm going to ask you one more time. Where is Adelaide?"

"Ugh!" A frustrated noise left her, "I had someone who looked like you take her out to the Forbidden Forest."

Reyes' eyes widened along with a few other students. "Who are you?" She asked.

"Vienna." The witch was dropped to the ground as the levitation spell wore off. "Vienna Georges."

Ominis scowled, "The Ravenclaw student? You must be in the wrong house if you thought you'd be able to fool us with a Polyjuice potion."

Sebastian recalled that Georges was a blonde haired Ravenclaw-the one he had met near the staircase for the first time when Adelaide had asked him to take her to Hogsmeade for the first time. And he had seen her again in Potions class when they got paired up.

"It doesn't make sense. How could you tell?" Her auburn hair at the edges was beginning to turn golden and her eyes darkened becoming a chocolate brown.

Before Sebastian could answer, Ominis rolled his eyes and spoke up, "You have none of her mannerisms. Even your presence is different. Screams desperation if you ask me."

"No one-" Vienna began when Sebastian stepped forward. Her words got stuck in her throat as she caught sight of him and the glint of malevolence in his eyes. "Nothings going to happened to her-She's with Duncan Hobhouse. He was probably too scared to even enter the Forest."

Ominis looked towards Imelda, "I trust you'll give her a warm Slytherin welcome. Seb, shall we?"

Sebastian's lips thinned in anger as he sent the Ravenclaw a cold hard stare. "You are going to regret messing with my girl."

Without another word exchanged, the two Slytherin boys left the Common Room as the remaining house students swarmed the Ravenclaw with their wands out-no doubt giving her the warmest of Slytherin welcomes. Especially when the female pissed off the two perceived princes of the house.

"Do you have a plan?" Ominis inquired as Sebastian started heading towards the exit. It was after lunch, but they only had a couple hours before the winter sun would go to sleep for the night.

Sebastian's jaw was clenched, his adrenaline making his heart pound. Even the blood was audible as it rushed through his body. "Figure out where the fuck Adelaide is."

"It is quite odd she wasn't immediately back. Do you think she was fooled?" Ominis wondered as they hit the trail.

It didn't even cross his mind as a possibility. "No. Something's wrong."

"How do you know?"

Sebastian had to remind himself that this was his best friend and because he was pissed didn't mean he had to snap at him-even if his patience for questions was nonexistent. "I can't really explain it. I had this feeling right before Anne's letter after her second trial and she was dying."

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