Golden Time

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The rest of their time at the Sallow household went off without a hitch. It would be time to leave soon, but Sebastian had pardoned himself and Adelaide with a measly excuse needing fresh air, but really he wanted to give his best friend some alone time with his sister. It was rare they had time with just themselves.

The two strolled leisurely, hand in hand, and just enjoyed walking together with no destination in mind. "I've been meaning to give you something."

Adelaide looked up at him curiously, "Like a present?"

"I've felt bad about your bracelet since the Restricted Section." He stopped and pulled out a small burgundy box from his robe. It had a delicate pearl white ribbon over the top of it that shimmered as she unwrapped it. "The first time we came to Feldcroft together and I was missing for a bit-I went to a local craftsman that specialized in jewelry and handmade trinkets." She pulled the top of the box off to reveal a delicate charm.

It was a golden little snake charm that formed an S. She flipped the charm over to see a tiny inscription along its body. I love you. SS.

"Sebastian." She smiled up at him, willing herself not to cry. "I love it."

His smile mimicked hers, "Let me help you." He grabbed her wrist that had the golden chain gently, and he slid the new charm through it so that it dangled from her bracelet. "Wait you had this made weeks ago?" She remembered her first time in Feldcroft, "And you knew you loved me, then?"

Sebastian pressed his lips against her forehead, "I told you, I fell in love with you the moment I saw you." He slipped the box back into his robe. "Now, why don't you tell me what happened earlier? When you decided to go do something dangerous again and not bring me along."

There it was. A sweet moment and now he was ruffled. She smiled cheekily, "Sorry." He squeezed her hand lightly letting her know she was already forgiven, "Natty informed me that there was another powerful wizard who was trying to obtain information to incriminate Harlow. However, even though we had gotten there early-Harlow had already killed Mr. Bickle down in lower Hogsfield. Now when we tried to talk to Mrs. Bickle, she was hysterical because she couldn't find her son, Archie. Which led to Natty and I trying to track him down. We eventually did at an Ashwinder encampment and rescued him."

Sebastian looked over at the setting sun, "I'm glad that he's safe." He paused, "It's getting late. I can't help, but feel anxious with you being outside of Hogwarts."

"What do you mean?"

"There's so many people after you, Adelaide. Luckily you're dating Hogwarts' best duelist," He began haughtily, "But Ashwinders, Dark wizards, a horde of goblins-I worry something is going to attack any moment now. We may have to quit visiting Feldcroft until everything has settled."

Adelaide shook her head, "I may have to quit. But Sebastian, look how happy Anne was to see everyone. We can't stop these visits."

Sebastian couldn't argue with that, but let the conversation drop as they headed back inside. Ominis was smiling big and the Anne's cheeks were pink. It was the most color they'd seen on her face all day. The older twin pretended not to notice, announcing that it was time to be getting back.

"You'll visit again soon, won't you?" Anne bit her lip, trying not to seem so desperate as she gave her twin a hug.

He nodded, smiling. "You know nothing could ever keep me away from my favorite sister." Anne gave him a look which caused him to immediately smirk, "Next weekend will likely be Ominis and I."

She looked towards Adelaide who smiled sadly, "It's getting too dangerous for me to be hanging around here, Anne. But I will write to you."

The younger twin gave her a hug, quickly whispering in her ear. "I've never seen him so happy."

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