The Careless Loyalist

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"Books so rarely prepare one for reality. A real goblin mine. It's even grander than I had expected." The voice beside her echoed throughout the mine.

It was probably a good thing they couldn't see each other. Because Adelaide was looking at him as if he were an idiot. "Amit. Not seen. Not heard."

"Oh right." His voice turned sheepish.

As they rounded a corner, Adelaide noticed there was an elevator, but she wasn't sure how it was powered. She saw what looked like a boiler and hmm'd quietly to herself.

"I can't believe I met a goblin." She heard Amit again.

She ignored him, holding her wand out towards the boiler. "Confringo. Let's just learn what we can and get out."

"Look at this lift. Impressive workmanship for so simple a device." He awed.

Adelaide ran a frustrated hand through her hair. She should have found someone else. "Follow me. Let's go down a level."

She turned the handle, feeling the burn in her arms as she cranked the machine to go down. As Adelaide and Amit made their way through the goblin mine, she wondered about the repositories. What she saw at Rookwood's Castle-that big cracked open metal container...was that the repository they found? And how many more were there? And why was Lodgok helping her if he also spent most of his life mistrusting wizardkind?

There were a few goblins in front of another enchanted door that had a watchful eye. Adelaide dealt with them swiftly and easily much to the dismay of Amit.

"That was a bit more than I'm used to." He confessed.

She wished Ominis or Sebastian were with her. They were much better duelists. "I'll get you safely through. You have my word."

They Accio'd through some platforms, Confringo'd the boilers necessary to keep going, and let a few Petrificus Totalus spells be casted.

"I feel like a character from one of the adventure books I read during the summer holidays." Amit confessed quietly beside her.

Adelaide smiled, realizing that she needed to have more patience. Not everyone had an adventure every other day and risked their life on a daily basis. The last door led them to a two story room. On the bottom floor, there was a large wooden table with a few water jugs, a lantern, and a long scroll of paper.

She saw Amit pick it up in the air. "A schematic." He noted with interest, bringing it closer to him. "They're building something. I can't quite make it out. Curious. There must be more notes around here. What could they be building?"

Adelaide and Amit went up a level to look for more notes. Adelaide sneaked up behind another loyalist warrior, casting diffindo in rapid succession.

"Fascinating to see Gobbledegook written in a goblin hand. The flourishes are extraordinary."

She sighed inwardly. "Really fascinating."

They passed through a kitchen with a goblin cooking. They were shaking enough pepper into the stew that it was making her nose tickle. She heard Amit open his mouth to sneeze when she practically ran out of there with him as to not alert the cook. She wouldn't use the same treatment she did on warriors with a cook just trying to feed his comrades.

Luckily, the way they ran was to another room with parchments scripts on a side table. "If I'm translating this correctly and I think that I am, they're building something rather large, but what?" Determination rang in his voice. "I will get to the bottom of what they've been building down here."

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