The Sallow Diaries

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It was incredibly dreary outside. Pouring rain and Adelaide wasn't feeling very well. She had drank a Wiggenweld potion and had temporarily felt better, but she still felt nauseous. Sebastian had been pouting at breakfast that the other two weren't letting him come along. But he knew himself that the moment Solomon said something stupid, a fight would ensue.

Ominis and her had to use the Floo transit system again otherwise risk braving getting struck by lightening on top of a broom. She'd rather face a dragon. At least she'd see it first.

"What do you think Sebastian's father might have in common with Amir?" Adelaide inquired curiously as they walked up to the Sallow's home.

He shrugged, holding his wand out over their heads as an enchanted and invisible umbrella appeared over them. "I believe it's less what do they have in common and more what did Mr. Sallow discover that Amir was privy too? I never knew the Sallow Professor of course, but from what I've gathered is that they were immensely curious about everything and anything. Even if the knowledge was dangerous, they were reckless enough to research it."

"Sebastian takes after them that way." Adelaide noticed, thinking back to the Scriptorium.

Ominis scoffed quietly, "They both are. Anne just isn't physically able to right now."

"I noticed she was reading a Magical Beasts book. Does she like them a lot?"

"No, that was a new one." He replied easily, "Since she was cursed, her head's been stuck inside potion books. Before that she liked to read a lot of Muggle romance books. It's almost certainly why Sebastian's been reading more Muggle books as of late-to find something she likes and tell her about it."

Adelaide smiled at his. Of course he would. "Sounds like him."

"I'm simply being nosy, but why did you hide your letter from Sebastian?" He inquired as knocked on the door.

Adelaide smiled, "Remember when you told me about why he likes cinnamon so much? His mothers cookies? Anne gave me the recipe and I wanted to surprise him with them."

Ominis was saved from replying as the door opened to reveal Anne. She quickly waved them inside, "We don't have much time. He went out to the market for some ingredients I begged for."

Adelaide and him nodded, quickening their pace. Anne led them to a wooden door which led to an old, brittle staircase. There were spiderwebs along the sides of the railing indicating that no one came down here often. Adelaide sneezed as the dust tickled her nose.

"All of his books are in a trunk towards the back of the room." Anne whispered, "I've unlocked the cellar door also, so if he arrives back early-go through there."

She nodded and Ominis gave her a quick kiss on the top of her head before she left them alone. Adelaide could tell how much she wanted to join the likes of them downstairs, but she needed to be ready in case Solomon came back earlier than expected.

The cellar was mostly empty except for a bookcase that lined the back wall and a large wooden desk that spanned the length of the room. The floor was dirt and the walls stone. Underneath the desk in the corner of the room was a large wooden trunk that looked like a lock had been broken off.

"This must be it." She beckoned Ominis towards the trunk and opened it to reveal 7 black leather bound books. She read the years out loud, wondering what they referred to.

Ominis tilted his head, "Anne and Sebastian were seven when their parents died. Those years coincide with the year they were born up until their death."

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