A Trip to Feldcroft: Part One

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There was a letter from Sebastian waiting for her when she finished her shower. It said to meet him near the Forbidden Forest so that no one would question why he had a Broomstick from the Quidditch broom closet. And that Ominis would be awaiting our return. As she got ready, putting on an elegant gray and black checkered skirt. She threw on a long sleeve white dress shirt and added a Slytherin tie. She wasn't sure what to wear, meeting the sick sister of the Wizard she had feelings for, but decided to go simple. After all, she just spent the last few hours sweaty, messy hair, and smelling like rotten food. She could only go up from here.

Another letter fell on her bed as an Owl flew into her room. This letter was from Ominis with another letter with a simple message: Thank Merlin, you're okay. Please give this to Anne. She could hear what sounded like marbles in a beautifully wrapped Slytherin Green box with a golden satin bow on top. It was the size of her hand and fit well enough into her robe.

Braiding her wet hair, she tied the end with a small green ribbon. Adelaide caught her reflection in the mirror. She had lost some weight despite the food at Hogwarts being delicious. But she was so worried. All the time. Ranrock, Rookwood, the Loyalists following her, and now this Map Chamber. If she could learn to control and wield ancient magic like Percival Rackham and Isidora Morganach, then she would never have to worry about putting anyone else's life at risk for her sake. Sebastian had saved her again when the sword had been thrown at her earlier over Richard Jackdaw's corpse.

Adelaide sighed and quickly finished getting ready. She needed to relax a little bit. The best someone can do with a bunch of people trying to kidnap or murder them. Today she would be going on a trip. With Sebastian.

She hurried, meeting Sebastian just after day break. He was pacing with obvious anticipation in a pair of black slacks, a white collared shirt, and dark emerald vest. His hair was wet, signifying that he too had showered after their adventure in the Forbidden Forest. By the looks of it, he also drank a Wiggenweld potion because there was no longer any scrapes on his face from the fragmented shard.

"Merlin! It's about time." He walked up to her, the smell of cinnamon and clove once again enveloping her. However, this time he produced two cinnamon pastries in his hand. "I ran into Feenky and asked for some breakfast to take with us."

Adelaide grabbed one, gratefully. "Thank you, I'm starved. I'm excited to meet Anne as well."

"She misses Hogwarts." Sebastian said wistfully, "She's been stuck at home with our guardian-Uncle Solomon. Unfortunately, you'll have to meet him too. Meeting a new student will be precisely what she needs."

"Then let's go. If your Uncle wonders about what you're doing in Feldcroft, Professor Fig needed me to get something from the town's merchant, and I don't know how to fly a broom by myself."

Sebastian nodded, grabbing the Sky Scythe and hitched his leg over it. Adelaide followed his lead, not hesitating this time to wrap her arms around his waist as they levitated above the ground.

"Honeysuckle." Sebastian sniffed, "Way better than rotten meat."

She rolled her eyes, causing him to grin before they started sailing through the sky. It was a cloudy day, but as they soared above the clouds, it was a mixture of pinks and purples. The beauty of dawn and the fresh smell of rain that would no doubt be coming soon.

It took them a while to get to the Scottish Highlands. Sebastian slowed down as they soared over the hamlet and she spotted a decrepit old castle in the distance. She also noticed that there were campfires and goblins roaming the area.

"Enjoying the view?" Adelaide spoke next to his ear and for a moment she thought she felt him shiver.

He shook his head once. "Keeping an eye on things. Feldcroft isn't what it used to be." Sebastian continued once they landed near the town's opening gate. "No one has felt safe here since Ranrock's Loyalists took a peculiar interest in that castle over there-Rookwood Castle. My Uncle Solomon is a former Auror and refuses to look into it even after Anne was cursed by one of them. Possibly with a wand, no less."

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