The High Keep

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It had been a heated argument-one which Ominis ended, but the verdict was in. Sebastian would not be joining this time. She had argued how dangerous it had been last time when they were in the Forbidden Forest, but Sebastian had countered that she wouldn't even be alive right now if it weren't for him. Which is arguably true. Not arguably--it is true. But what was also true is that she's gotten stronger since then. She couldn't wield Ancient Magic at will, but she recognized the fire inside her burning whenever she had been dueling for a while.

Ominis didn't want her going either, but agreed that something had to be done. He just also wished that it didn't have to be her. And he told Sebastian he still had seven books checked out from the library in the hopes of finding a cure for Anne. Four books in braille sat next to Ominis in the Undercroft where she left them.

She met Natsai, or Natty as she learned she preferred to be called by Falbarton Castle. There were a couple lanterns to light the way, but it was pretty dark and gloomy under the new moon. Good for a couple of Hogwarts students to be lurking about under the cover of night.

She spotted Natty beside a wheel cart. Once Natty saw her, she whispered, "Psst. Over here. Quickly." Adelaide ducked beside the cart next to her. "I am glad that you received my owl. We need to stay low and remain quiet."

"Natty, why are we all the way out here? Did you really discover something to incriminate Harlow?"

"I did some investigating to find out what Harlow is up to. I followed him to the Hog's Head. I noticed him reading a letter. All I could see was that it was signed by and bore the seal of Victor Rookwood." Her voice rose in excitement. "That letter is the tangible proof that Officer Singer needs. It is why I followed Harlow here and why I wrote to you. I need your help to retrieve it. "

Adelaide bit the inside of her cheek, thinking hard. "Can't we just bypass Officer Singer and go directly to the Ministry?" She had connections with the Minister after all. Her knight in shining armor, she thought sarcastically.

"Do you think they will listen to a student?" She rolled her eyes, "Only Officer Singer can start an investigation. The Ministry will come in later."

At this, Adelaide narrowed her eyes. "You seem to be very determined in stopping Rookwood and Harlow. Why?"

"I knew men like him in Uganda. I know how bad things can get if they are not stopped." She heaved a sigh. "It's a long story-one I promise to share when we have more time. For now, let's do what we came to do."

"I'll help you find the letter." Adelaide relented, "Let's hurry."

Natty nodded, "I do not see any guards, but we should still try to be as quiet as possible. Harlow is here after all."

Quietly, they scanned the permitter of the Castle-ensuring to dodge the sight of any dark wizards patrolling the top platforms. They managed to find a bunch of boxes stacked enough like a staircase to hoist themselves up. As they climbed up onto one of the Castle platforms, she could hear shouting echoing across the entire ruined estate.

"Gah! Restrain the beast!" They heard what was assumed to be Harlow shouting on one of the higher levels of the Castle.

Adelaide and Natty ducked behind on of the decrepit castle walls as they realized the shouting wasn't coming from a higher level, but rather one right in front of them as the wooden archway was mechanically opened through by Harlow's men. What sprung through was a familiar white Hippogriff.

Harlow along with three other dark wizards were casting spells to keep Highwing back and hurt him enough to keep him grounded.

Adelaide gritted her teeth as she heard its pained cries. "Highwing."

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