Over His Dead Body

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Adelaide once again expected him to be angry. Surprise, shock, anger, hatred-she felt all of these emotions bubble up inside her as she recounted what Amir had told her. How ridiculous it was to think that she would ever become his for the sake of him gaining power.

And while a flash of anger did cross Sebastian's face, his expression immediately soften seeing how upset and bothered she was over this. He took a deep breath and looked at her calmly, "Can I hold you?"

She nodded after a moment and he pulled her against him. Adelaide didn't realize that this was what she needed. She was ready to burn the world down herself. She didn't need Sebastian playing the overprotective lover and seeking vengeance on her behalf. They both knew she was strong enough to defend herself-granted she could have done a better job earlier. Never again would she let herself be that vulnerable-to get captured again.

Sebastian knew that what she needed more than anything in the world right now was to tell her it was going to be okay. She normally got upset about false promises and that someone couldn't promise nothing would happen-but because it was Sebastian...She believed it.

"Adelaide, I won't let him. Over my dead body." He gritted out, trying his best to be calm and giver her the comfort she needed.

She nodded against his chest, "I don't even know if it works like that-wouldn't my parents have had magical abilities?"

"Did your mom?"

Adelaide shrugged, "My mother died when I was young-a baby. I never had the opportunity to ask my father."

"Then we can't be sure." He deduced, "I do wonder why he brought up my father specifically."

She pondered this for a moment. "You said he was the Ancient Runes Professor?" When he nodded, she kept going, "Hmm. Could have have been studying Ancient magic? Runes are magic, no? Maybe your dad was onto something and Amir worked with him."

"I wish I had his diaries." Sebastian sighed, rubbing her arm when she shivered. It was starting to get too cold out. "Then maybe we could have found some clues.

Adelaide pulled back to look at him, "Where are they?"

"Solomon's trunk." He said dryly. Sebastian looked at her carefully. "Are you alright, now?"

She nodded, kissing his cheek. "Thank you."

"Good." He stood up, "Now I can go Avada Ked-"

"Sebastian." Adelaide hushed him, "At least let me do the honors."

He snorted, looking at her in a devilish manner. "Y0u're pretty hot when I think of you using Dark Magic."

"You think of me?" She inquired with a playful smile.

Sebastian looked at her with a heated glance, "I think of you all the time." He paused, pretending to think for a moment. "And occasionally it involves no clothes."

Adelaide laughed, shaking her head. "Let's get back to Hogwarts. Ominis is probably waiting for us."

He agreed, appearing to be happy that she was in a far better mood. Adelaide still couldn't wrap her head around it if she was being honest. The lengths that people who go to for power. She would rather be a normal witch-if normal and witch even belong in the same sentence-and not have to worry about some homicidal manic wanting to create a bloodline of ancient magic wielding minions.

Ominis Gaunt was fervently against dark magic. He could have been a spokesperson for why there was never a need to use dark magic. But tonight, Adelaide witnessed her best friend agree with Sebastian.

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